Football Football Football. That is what has pretty much dominated the last few weeks right? World Cup hope and all that. Well especially in my household as Eddy is the biggest football fan ever and will watch any match he can. I think it probably dominates his every day actually as he has a huge passion for the game no ,atter who is playing and was actually pretty good in his time, a few years and two knee operations ago that is. He is still pretty good though when he does play, he has that natural talent and scarily good knowledge that in another life might even have seen him live out his professional footballer dream.
A Day Out At…Conkers Discovery Centre
At the weekend the sun shone and we took the chance to visit Conkers discovery centre in Swadlincote, Derbyshire. It is an outdoor play and indoor discovery centre set in the national forest with so many activities to suit all ages. It’s somewhere we have been a fair few times before and I vividly remember going when Roma was just a week or so old.
Lichfield Cathedral Illuminations
As part of our advent calendar each year I love to find things to do that are a little bit different. As we make our advent ourselves we do a mix of chocolates and little gifts each day aswell as having either an activity, a random act of kindness or just something Christmassy that we would all do together such as watch a film or have a picnic by the tree. For the big activities though