Me and Mine – March 2016


It’s the last day of the month, and time to share photo’s of me and mine. This month has been a long one, not in the sense that it has dragged at all but that we seem to have crammed so much in and looking back it seems to have lasted a long time. So much has changed. It hasn’t been full of anything particularly exciting, no big adventures or trips out that inevitably make time go that little bit faster, just the ordinary every day. Whilst February was very much about spending time together simple family time and being there for each other; March has been about us all as individuals too.

E has been busy with school activities, starting with World Book Day, and ending with a particularly exciting day of choir this weekend- singing at the Head Teachers wedding! She has enjoyed going up a few levels in her reading, running her sports relief mile and of course the first part of the holidays.

R has been her usual confident and independent self whilst simultaneously changing so much. Her speech is coming on every day as is her sense of understanding, of what is needed of her and of the world around. She is the happiest little thing still content to walk and climb everywhere and throw a cheeky grin your way should she be doing anything she thinks is funny. There is a comedian in the making there and she is never happier than when surrounded by children. Sleep on the other hand is still a mystery, so it’s a really good job she is just unbelievably adorable when she’s awake – and that I have coffee for company!

The Mr and I, well the beginning of the month saw a big change, me starting a new job after being “off” for 18 months and finding that there are definitely not enough hours in each day! I am lucky to be working 2 days a week but even that has been a transition and we are all still finding our feet, as many people have said I am sure we will get there and soon enough it will all feel very normal. I am loving it when I am there and finding my identity again outside of the home. On Friday we spent the day at Hoar Cross Hall Spa, a much needed day to switch off (well try) and relax, we left the house, by ourselves, for 12 whole hours. It felt very strange, and very very wonderful. Aswell as said spa day, the Mr has been to Paris again with work, is enjoying catching up with Gotham in the evenings whilst I blog, having the pleasure of picking E up from school 1 day a week now and being a very proud Dad at parents evening.

At the weekends we have been out and about mainly close to home, I have a musculoskeletal condition therefore with the cold weather, starting some physio and the addition of work I have been having to take it easy a little. Therefore there hasn’t been much chance for family photos. Although we did take this one at a local Marina having gone to ride E’s bike, it was a few weeks ago and it was so cold we were snuggled up with a hot drink indoors soon after and only managed this one of us all.

Me and Mine March

Then came Easter weekend, with us being away on the Friday we decided on the Saturday that we would just go out into the garden and take some photo’s knowing that with the bad weather set for the weekend and me working Bank Holiday Monday this may be our only chance. We had a lovely Easter of family time and the obligatory treats, even with E’s food allergies which always makes this a tough time. We set up a treasure hunt with plastic eggs and rhyming clues which E absolutely loved to read and follow, this lead her all around the house and garden ending finally in the garage where a trampoline prize awaited her – better than a chocolate egg any day – she has been asking for one for ages and was so happy, is there anything better than the excitement on a child’s face when they receive something they love? Of course as we got out there for the photo’s it started to rain but we had fun, we were coat-less (albeit with wellies) and I actually love that for me I can see that my Little Ladies are relaxed and playing. I cannot wait to have more time outside in the coming months and really enjoy the slower pace of life that the warm weather and lighter evenings seem to bring. Sitting outside with a glass of wine whilst the children play before bed or as the sun sets with friends and still being able to feel your toes at the end of it. A world of possibilities, a spring of adventures, of family fun and endless photo opportunities….

Except when you set the tripod up and forget that your husband is a whole foot taller than you are and that he is headless. I had to include it of course – if not just for the comedy value.

This is us, not always perfect, always us


Me and Mine March

Me and Mine March

Me and Mine March

Me and Mine March

Me and Mine March

Me and Mine March


Linking with Lucy over at dear beautiful
The Me and Mine Project

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