Early in the morning as the sun comes up, peaks through the black out blinds and fights its way around the curtains little eyes begin to open, call out for us and we hear small feet clamber out of bed and across the landing. It’s Sunday, the day that pre-children means lazy mornings, lie ins, breakfast in bed and hot coffee and with small children can mean early mornings trying to catch just one more minute in bed, food planning, organizing the week ahead, ironing and homework. Last Sunday however was the kind that E and her daddy had looked forward to for weeks. The kind of day that breeds infectious excitement I want to bottle up and keep forever – or perhaps use on those dark winter mornings where no one wants to go to work or school!
We got up and out early to head to the beautiful Darley Park where father and daughter were taking part in E’s first colour run and in fact her very first run. As we got there the sun beaming down on us and the heat rising there was a great buzz in the air, to watch them both bond getting into their race shirts, receiving their very own numbers to pin to it, new trainers on their feet and colour sachets in their hands was a pleasure. Soon the moment came, the moment E had been looking forward to and what encapsulates the feelings of the day, the colour. They got ready, opened those little packets and had so much fun covering each other in a rainbow of cornstarch, each other, me, the pushcair – pretty much everything in sight. Squeals of laughter could be heard all around with the release of the excited energy. Unfortuanely R burst into tears at the sight of it and so I took photos with one hand whilst trying to calm down a now screaming toddler balancing on one hip!
The crowds gathered at the start as 10am approached, my two people joining them hand in hand big smiles on their faces. The 2.5k course lead them around the park, past trees, up and down hills and through two colour stations showering them in blue and yellow. As R and I waited patiently and excitedly at the finish for 20 minutes it felt like a flash and suddenly there they were my happy smiling colour covered pair running around that last corner and towards the buckets and clouds of bright pink that was the finish line, E collected her medal, a much needed bottle of water and was beaming with pride. I certainly knew how that felt. I sometimes think that I couldn’t possibly be more proud of her and then in an instant I know I’m wrong, I absolutely can and she will continue to make me burst with pride. I am not actually sure what made me prouder, her little legs accomplishing running the 2.5k, the bond she shared with her daddy that day or the fact that she was so happy and proud of herself. That’s a big thing for my little lady whom at only 5 years old can be pretty hard on herself sometimes.
The race was over but the fun was not, once the last person had finished it was time for the paint release where everyone gets together and releases colour at the same time. Sunglasses on and they were off, the colour was immense, the joy was clear to be seen – until of course I lost sight of them in the clouds of dust. They emerged from the fog, Daddy holding E up in the air and it was a moment of pure happiness. So perfect and exactly the type of moment to capture. She was absolutely covered as she finished, everything from her increasingly long legs that she almost certainly inherits from her Dad’s side ride up to every inch of her scalp, her face and even her eyelashes.
Eddy was so so proud of her and it was very special to be able to witness them do something that only they can, that I can’t give her and that I am glad that he can. They have this in common to enjoy together. Just them.
E loved it, she has talked about nothing else since, even taking her medal into school for show and tell. I hope she continues to do so and it can become an ordinary moment for them. To run, be free, and share together.
Linking with Katie mummydaddyme for The Ordinary Moments
I’m doing my first one next month and this post has got me SO excited!!!
Good luck, I must admit it was really brilliant and even more so than we thought! x
That looks amazing fun, I would love to do one!
The photos are so colourful and what a gorgeous day for it too!
It really was, they were so lucky with the weather I’m not sure it would have been the same in the rain! x
Brilliant, I want to do one! They look so happy together, so lovely they shared it together. X
Everyone should do one! They really were so happy, it was lovely to see them able to share something they both loved. x
Like I said on twitter it looks so amazing, I have wanted to do one for so long but I guess now is not the time with a newborns and recovering from a c-section! It looks like they had a great time together. xx
How amazing! We did our first one a few years ago and now want to do it again having seen your photos! xx