My Family Adventures – November

My Family Adventures November

I honestly think that November has been the fastest month this year, I literally cannot believe it is almost December and that 2017 will be on the countdown to ending altogether, it seems like madness. With that in mind this month has been full on, routine, work, school, nursery, you know, just life. It hasn’t been the most adventurous month family wise but although our adventures have been simple they have all been well worth it. I haven’t probably taken as many photos as I usually do either however I am excited to share some that I do have and to remember fondly the craziness that has been November.

The first weekend was full of to do lists, shopping, new trainers and the excitement of Roma’s very first party she attended on her own. Eddy and I had a rare meal out with friends and even snuck in an hour out of the house together to drink a hot cup of coffee in peace and chat. It’s a simple thing for most but definitely of note to us! On the Sunday Eddy and Eva have started a tradition of going for a run in the morning and they both absolutely love it, Eva gets so excited and giddy and I think it makes her feel really grown up to do something just for them. On Sunday night it was Fireworks night, instead of a big adventure out that we had previously talked about, we decided to keep it simple yet again. We bundled the children in the car in the dark in their pyjamas with a bowl of popcorn and drove to a nearby display. I had coffee, we had the heating on, we snuggled all together in the front and the overemotional Mum in me had a tear in my eye as they ooh’d and ahh’d at the beautiful colours lighting up the sky. The noise was muffled as we were in the car meaning no one was scared and it was just pretty perfect, the children fell asleep on the short journey back home and we realised that these are the moments we want to repeat. Just like that we had made ourselves a new little family tradition.

The second weekend saw me attend a Mumsnet event in London and the children play with a huge cardboard box that Eddy had made into a car for them…see it really is the simple things. In fact two weeks later and it is still sitting in my lounge! I had a great time but that teamed with another event at YouTube London just a few days later and I must admit I was missing the simple adventures with my family.

It has seemed to suddenly turn into winter weather wise and so we have been spending time eeking out what we can from outdoor adventures and the girls have been really keen to ride their bikes. We spend time outside and exploring which is beautiful and we have noticed as a family that we can stand and watch more, as the children grow we have been stepping back and watching their relationship, watching our lives right before us and there is something magical about that. Then when the cold seeps in through our many layers and penetrates our bones we head home for the heating, a hot tea and some family board games. I am not a fan of winter or the cold I will admit but there really is something to be said for the excuse to be together, to snuggle, talk and laugh over games, even if Eddy isn’t the best game lover ever.

Then this morning the most unexpected and exciting this happened, as we opened the blinds at 7 am there was a bright white sight that greeted us, snow! It was of course the smallest amount but enough to cover the rooftops and the frozen grass, to release squeals of excitement and a kind of manic running around the house shouting snow like it was Christmas morning. After a very quick breakfast and getting dressed in the thickest clothing they had we were indeed out in said snow before 8 am, and before the sun came out and is disappeared forever! It was so lovely seeing them explore the simple things that nature has to offer and they found the ice and frozen leaves absolutely fascinating. They even raked enough snow for a pile…not exactly a snowman but it would do!

This month has been good all in all and it’s lovely to share the highlights but I will admit it has had its lows too. Some I won’t go into here but I feel like I would be doing my future self injustice if I didn’t note that every moment is indeed not perfect yet we come through these imperfect times to make the most out of life because, well it is far too short. But there is no getting away from the fact that these moments do exist. As I sit and write this on Saturday night my littlest lady is poorly and has been on and off all week. I am sat on the landing with my laptop as she cries intermittently, I can’t count the amount of times I have already been in and it isn’t yet 8pm, I resign myself to no sleep, again. I give up entirely on writing for a while as I bundle her up into my arms and into my bed for nothing more than the comfort of being there. To realise that the only thing settling her is my face being just an inch from hers. I feel her breathe and I hear her raspy throat as I stroke her hot forehead and an almost instinctive shhh creeps from my lips. In this moment I know this is exactly where I need to be. Supporting my family through adventures big and small.

Now all we need is for this infection to go and for us all to be well for December, my most favourite time of the year and we have so many exciting family adventures planned already.


My Family Adventures November My Family Adventures November My Family Adventures November My Family Adventures NovemberA girl and her stick!

YouTube Space London and Missing my girls Mumsnet Influencer Event Huckletree west

My Family Adventures November My Family Adventures November My Family Adventures NovemberEva’s favourite place of all is the library, we don’t go a month (or usually a week) without visiting.

My Family Adventures November My Family Adventures NovemberSnow fun!

My Family Adventures November My Family Adventures November My Family Adventures November

It was really lovely to read all of the posts linked up last month so if you have a round up of November or a family adventure post from the last month of your own we would love to have you join us. Simply link to Kerri-Ann and I in your post and pop it down below. And of course don’t forget to comment on the hosts posts and see what everyone else has been up to too, lets share the My Family Adventures love.

5 thoughts on “My Family Adventures – November”

  1. What a fabulous idea for fireworks night! We always give them a miss as my littlest one is utterly terrified of them (as in, screaming hysterically, sobbing uncontrollably and running to hide at even the mention of the word). Perhaps if we snuggled in the car with blankets and hot chocolate she might be a bit more keen? I wish I’d been able to get to the London blogger events – it sounds like you learnt a lot. Love the photo of the bridge with the light and the snow – that’s beautiful!

  2. Ah Laura your family adventures sound so sweet and your family life sounds so idyllic. I love the Fireworks night idea too. I’d have had a tear in my eye I think. Simple adventures really are the best. I saw Eddy’s box car and made one for the boys- they have had so much fun with it! xx

  3. Wow that last photo is amazing. I think i’d print it! Despite it being a tough month you have really enjoyed your time together which is the most important part for me. Time spent together no matter how big or small always brings the best memories. Look at your youngest in that bike helmet. All the heart eyes. Lovely having you join me x


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