My Go To Winter Coat & Why It’s OK Not To Be Uber Fashionable

mum fashion - my winter look

I feel like I should say that I am definitely not a fashion blogger nor am I pretending to be one, although one can dream right? Because I do love fashion. Ever since I was a teenager I have always loved clothes and despite not always having lots of money, the money I did have would inevitably end up in my wardrobe. Or perhaps splayed over my bedroom as I tried on 100 outfits to find the right one (I use the word ‘right’ loosely, it was the 90’s after all!) In fact I may or may not still own items that are not only pre-children but also pre-Eddy, and we are talking over a decade there! I may have a serious clothes hoarding problem but hey, that’s for another time.

That being said I would love to be more confident with what I do wear and to share that here too, not only to look back on when the children are older and they laugh at the fashions we had. Isn’t it hard to imagine that there is anything offensive about clothes these days? I mean it’s not like I am wearing a shell suit or psychedelic trousers is it? Although I guess the big glasses might not stand the test of fashion times. Alas not only to write for the memories but to be me, to be real and to say that it’s ok not to be uber fashionable but want to look good. That to be proud or confident you can just be ordinary too and you can love fashion without having all the latest trends and whilst still wearing clothes you purchased, I don’t know, in a supermarket in years gone by maybe.

I would love to be more confident to pull things off that I buy (or wish to buy) and that stay in my wardrobe for fear of what other people might think or say about me, I would love to just wear it despite that. After all you only live once. For now though I will stick with my go to winter look and if this is you too, that’s ok, we are mums, we are only human and I have already realised I have to come to terms with the fact that the children will forever be dressed better than I am, I am (mostly) ok with that!

So onto now. I pretty much wear the same coat all winter through. I might change it up if I am feeling brave to my new bright pink one (still not sure if I can pull that one off) or if it’s milder I have many lighter jackets which are almost always Zara finds (I have a love affair with Zara you see!) But when it’s cold and miserable and I am rushing around on the school run or getting some very very fresh air with the children I want warmth and my trusty Tu clothing green buttoned coat, which is a fair few years old now, is a must. It never fails me and maybe it is due an upgrade next year but it is definitely my comfortable go to look right now. Occassionally I change up the scarf – of which I have more of than one person probably should – or the hat, or boots. But the khaki coat, is here to stay.

Coat, hat, scarf, boots and usually a jean and shirt or jumper combo, or if the weather is kind maybe a dress with thick black tights, that is pretty much my whole entire winter wardrobe in one small sentence!

These also are not the best photos. I have used some that I already have that both Eva and Eddy have taken over the winter months rather than specific ones for this post, but I guess it sort of illustrates my point. We do not have to be uber fashionable nor do we have to be a model or have a photographer with us to snap away in dreamy locations. Sometimes it is enough to get a few snaps whilst out on an after school date with your daughter, a Sunday afternoon bike ride, or whilst stood under a bridge when your children are occupied sliding down the dusty concrete underneath of it 100 times and you ask your long suffering instagram-husband to take some of you too.

This is Mum life and Mum fashion and I am totally ok with that.


mum fashion - my winter lookmum fashion - my winter lookmum fashion - my winter lookmum fashion - my winter lookmum fashion - my winter look

26 thoughts on “My Go To Winter Coat & Why It’s OK Not To Be Uber Fashionable”

  1. The colour definitely suits your love, I think when you have found a coat you love you can’t take it off – I’m the same. I think you have to what what you feel comfortable in, such is fashion that it should suit you and not necessarily following a trend x

  2. I too am a jeans, jumper, boots and coat sort of girl. It made me smile when I read that about your coat on IG as I’m exactly the same- all my photos look the same in winter as I’m always wearing the same trusty coat! Your green coat definitely suits you and it becomes your own trademark, part of your personal style, if you wear it all the time, which I think is really nice! x

  3. I actually really love your style – it’s similar to my own which makes it really relateable. I’m fed up with buying things I’ve seen on other people, only to find they look awful on me! When you don’t live on the cutting edge of fashion it’s much easier to have confidence in your style I think. Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  4. I’ve always loved fashion and when I became a parent this transferred to the girls and I just focused on dressing them. But not they are older, it’s time to start looking at me again. You look great! Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  5. I think you look fab, and your winter wardrobe sounds very much like mine. I’d love to me more stylish but I just don’t think I have it in me! I do love Sainsbury’s clothes though, in fact I’ve not been for a while so I’m probably due a trip soon 🙂 #ShareTheBlogLove

  6. I’ve never been one to follow the trends and am all for comfort. I think if you are comfortable then you radiate – many trends look like they lead to discomfort. #sharingthebloglove


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