My Summer Wardrobe & Getting My Legs Out

my summer wardrobe and getting my legs out

I don’t know about anyone else but summer fashion panics me. I am all about the sunshine don’t get me wrong and on holiday I don’t much give two hoots about what I wear (not strictly true, I still love clothes I am just alot less self conscious of what people might think there. I will most likely never see them again after all and I am mostly just eating, exploring, running around after children or attempting to sit around a pool for as long as possible before being rumbled.) But the arrival of the summer sends my head in a spin that I somehow need to wear something that isn’t my skinny jeans and flattering layers. 

Pinafore Dress & Trench Coat – My Spring Essentials

Topshop Pinafore Dress & Trench Coat - My Spring Essentials

Tell me it isn’t just me that thinks that spring has taken a super long time to spring this year?! I know from photographic evidence (got to love a bit of a super irritated weather look back) that this time last year we were well into shorts and tshirt weather, dining alfesco and meandering through the park. Yet here I sit listening to rain tap tap on the windows and always in assurance that my umbrella and jacket are at the ready, April showers I hear you say!

Matalan Doodle Jumpers {What They Wore}

Doodle sweatshirt matalan what the girls wore

Alongside my blog goal this year of writing more fashion posts from me I also wanted to write and document more of what the girls wore too. I absolutely love dressing them, well it is probably less about dressing them now than guiding their choices, but I love to share those moments with them, to share style and see what their tastes are now and how they evolve in the coming years.