Daddy Love {The Ordinary Moments #7}

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Our week has been a mixed one, E had her tonsils and adenoids removed and grommets inserted on Monday and unfortunately that very same day R came down with a sickness bug which has spanned most of the week. The Mr had decided to take the whole week off work to be here for E and honestly I could not have got through this week without him.

It has been an ordinary one, being in the house mostly and doing ordinary things. At times through the recovery and illness though it has been lovely to do just that, be ordinary, be together. With our normal routine the Mr leaves the house around 7.30am and by his return we are heading rapidly towards bedtime. Usually when he has time off whether that be the weekend or annual leave we have grand plans, adventures, holidays, going out together, seeing people or jobs to do in the house. It is amazing but certainly not the ordinary every day that I get to experience with the Little Ladies.

This week however has consisted of a lot of Daddy time, individually and together. The Little Ladies love their Daddy and that is clear to see. You can see it in their eyes, hear it in their voices and see it when they snuggle into him in the morning when we try to have two more minutes in bed. R especially is a real Daddy’s girl and I think she may be in for a little bit of a shock come Monday he returns to work. Luckily she has E here for another week to entertain her.

In our household Daddy time is very different to the time they spend with me and I am glad that they have this. It is much more of a physical affair. With Daddy they like to ‘wrestle’, Daddy throws them in the air, has them on his shoulders, walks up to bed with E on his back like a monkey and they play football in the lounge!

As an avid Everton supporter E shares this passion and I often hear them singing football songs or talking about the score. At 5 years old she probably knows more than me! Just now E said to the Mr “Don’t be sad that they are losing Dad, we can just pretend they won!” He’s the one to help E ride her bike, to garden with her, have running races through the park and tickle her until she cries with laughter.

R loves the rough and tumble, to accompany Daddy to let the chickens in and out, often standing by the kitchen door with his shoes saying “Dada, chick chick”. He is the one that at 6ft 2 still takes them to softplay and can be found squeezing through the most ridiculously small hole or holding hands down the slide. He is the one they go to for one more push on the swing or one more spin until they are dizzy.

Daddy is also the one that baths them most nights, taking the hit when R splashes so much that it seems Daddy is covered in more water than them. Chasing R around the bedrooms as she tries to avoid getting dressed and catching her when she falls, usually off of E’s bed that she has yet again climbed upon. There is nothing better than hearing them all laughing from another room. It is a beautiful sound. He is the one that will sleep on the floor of E’s room on the occasions she is ill in the night. To stay there on a hard floor, holding her hand and making her feel better just with his presence.

Yesterday E and I made marshmallow rice pops in the shape of hearts. She turned to me and said “I want to make Dad a big one because he is special and I love him.” He makes them feel safe, feel loved and I know from their words, from their look of pure love that they would not be without him. Their Dada, Daddy, Dad, the one they share and the one that will no matter what, be just that, just theirs.

Below are a few photos from this week. Having Daddy home, to accompany to the park and take them to the pet shop. It really is a lovely bond to witness. So on this day of love we celebrate the love that my Little Ladies have for their Daddy xx


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Linking with the lovely Katie over at mummydaddyme for her “The Ordinary Moments”


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2 thoughts on “Daddy Love {The Ordinary Moments #7}”

  1. Ah such a lovely post and he sounds like a fantastic dad. I know what you mean about taking holiday and it normally being for exciting stuff- I bet it was lovely just to relax in the house with everyone and have him home. He sounds very similar to my husband, very hands on and always wrestling and getting them hyper! I hope everyone feels a little better this week. xx

    • Thank you lovely and yes very hands on which is always good. Getting them hyper too!!! We seem to be a bit better this week so fingers crossed we’ll be back to normal in no time xx


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