Our First Family Holiday to Yorkshire {Looking Back #10}

Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington

I love doing these looking back posts for so many reasons, but most of all I love the excuse to look through old photos and be reminded of simple times on our first journey as parents and find little gems that had entirely escaped my memory. I came across these photos and they made me smile. 

In the summer after Eva was born we were craving a holiday, we did of course take her to Paris for a mini break when she was 16 weeks old but we wanted a first proper holiday, where we could relax together, to travel more and maybe to take her to the beach too. At the time she was 6 months old and due to her allergies and the fact that she was just starting to wean we decided it was sensible to stay in the UK. We soon happened upon a lovely cottage in Hornsea in Yorkshire. Neither of us had ever been before but after seeing the beautiful Dovecote cottage we booked and looked forward to our first holiday together.

The day before we went sticks out for me, because Eddy got ill. This is the man who just never gets ill, he has an immune system of steel and can avoid everything that I seem to pick up in an instant! But bless him the day before we were due to go he came down with a bad case of tonsillitis and after driving the 3 hours to Yorkshire he crashed out for the first day shivering in the bed whilst Eva and I slept in the other room.

Despite this little setback though we had such a lovely time. We were lucky with the weather (mostly) and spent time in the beautiful gardens, sitting on the patio with a cup of tea and generally just taking a slow pace to life as a three. The radio sang in the background, Eva played on the floor and there was no expectations of big things. It was the simple holiday we had craved.

We explored around the cottage site that had fields and animals and went on lovely walks around the village. There wasn’t that much to do there I’ll be honest but we got in the car and headed to nearby Bridlington where Eva felt sand between her toes for the very first time. She wasn’t all that impressed I can tell you, even less so to feel the cold sea on her tiny toes! We walked and talked and ate fish and chips by the beach, standard.

In the evenings we would put Eva to bed at her usual time and just be together, like every other day at home but somehow it was that little more special, that little more together. I would have a relaxing bath and Eddy would bring me a glass of wine through. I absolutely love how no matter where you are and no matter if you have almost the identical life you do back home that somehow holidays help you to notice those simple things again.

It may not have been glamorous or specially note worthy but it will always be our first family holiday as a three and for that it will always hold a special place in my heart x


Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Hornsea Dovecote Cottage Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Hornsea Dovecote Cottage Yorkshire Holiday Hornsea Dovecote cottage Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington

Neither of us look too impressed here!

Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington

A lovely passer by offered to take our photo and I am so glad they did, although it makes me really how young we looked!

Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington

Her first feel of sand, I absolutely adore this picture below, it really seemed to cement we were now a fully fledged three wherever in the world we went, and hopefully that will be alot of places.

Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington

We were not quite so lucky with the weather on the last day and left shortly after this was taken to avoid being covered in water!

Our first family holiday to Yorkshire Holiday Bridlington

4 thoughts on “Our First Family Holiday to Yorkshire {Looking Back #10}”

  1. A first family holiday is always such a special memory- like you say, it doesn’t need to be anything overly spectacular, but it will always be special (though Hornsea looks lovely and what a pretty cottage!). We took Freddie to a log cabin in Norfolk when he was 5 weeks old and it was a truly special holiday x


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