Living Arrows #8 {2017}


Living Arrows Rapeseed

Living Arrows {which originally comes from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”) is about celebrating childhood, and for me is about one photo from each week telling a story, mostly, all of it’s own.

This week has seen Eva go back to school after two weeks off and my gosh have I missed her. It has been a bit of an adjustment for everyone I think and this teamed with Roma starting the week in the hospital after hurting her elbow and the news that she probably has hypermobility like me has, I will admit, hit me a little bit hard. It has consumed the week but thanks to a child free day on Saturday and some much needed head space I’m feeling a little  better about it all and have really enjoyed the time we have spent together all the more….and we have an extra day today too which is always a bonus. 

I absolutely adore this photo of Eva, it is such a candid but full on shot of her that in all honesty doesn’t happen often, there’s no background, no bells and whistles, just her and I love that. At the rate she is growing up at the moment I don’t know how long I will share photos like this, how long it will be until she decides she doesn’t want to and I will fully, if not a little sadly, respect that decision. But for now, when she asks if we can take photos of each other like today, when I have the privilege to sit close to her whilst she looks right into the lens with those beautiful eyes, that wry smile, messy hair and a face I swear I can see the fully fledged woman she will become staring right back at me, I will say yes, yes we can. 

Living Arrows Portrait

I feel like these photos are always so contrasting of my two at the moment and I guess that is true to life, to their stages in childhood right now. Whilst Eva is on the cusp of big changes and knowing herself, her own mind and the world, Roma is so innocently enjoying the little moments of the beautiful naivety you never appreciate until it really is too late. Here she was holding a tiny bit of bright yellow rapeseed in her perfect little hands like it was treasure, I mean look at the pure joy on her face from a bit of a plant! 

Living Arrows Rapeseed

Living Arrows

14 thoughts on “Living Arrows #8 {2017}”

  1. These are both just beautiful, as always! Roma’s expression is too perfect for words, and I love the more wistful shot of Eva too. I feel the same – I know there will be a time when they won’t want their photos taken, so I’m keen to grab as many as I can while they’re still keen – Max loves to look back at photos of what we’ve been up to. #livingarrows

  2. I adore this photo of Roma, she is just such a sweetie! I’ve missed Izzie now she’s back at school – I find her an allie with the mad boys when she’s home! xx

  3. I have exactly the same feeling about my children. I love both of these photos and I think the contrast is brilliant and a true reflection of them at this stage. I think it will be something really lovely to look back on. #livingarrows


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