Sisters – February 2017 {Siblings}

Sisters Siblings February in the park

After last months update which consisted mostly of the inevitable start of the siblings squabbles, this time I feel like my two little ladies are back in their groove again. Don’t get me wrong this new groove definitely involves these aforementioned squabbles but they seem to have just gotten used to them and accepted it, and I guess I have a little bit too. Because as much as they are tedious and irritating at times when I literally cannot wee in peace without one of them shouting at the other or the oh so lovely sound of telling tales, for all of those moments, there are so many more amazing ones too.

As I sit here to write this we are just 1 day into the half term holidays and already I am remembering that life is so so lovely when they are both together. When it is calm, and easy and they have time to enjoy the slower pace of each others company. Over the weekend and indeed yesterday and this morning they have played so well together making shows, having tea parties and really getting involved in make believe. It makes my heart actually melt to watch – aswell as the opportunity to make a cup of tea or get jobs done too which is pretty amazing in itself – and I just feel so proud.

Eva of course is the ring leader and tells Roma specifically what to do in all scenarios and Roma, well she just goes along and does it. You can see the love in her eyes and the fact that she totally idolises her big sister and will pretty much do everything she says – when she wants to! But secretly deep down Roma calls the shots as Eva spends most of the time making sure she is happy and adapting to her.

This month Roma has turned 2 and the gap definitely feels like it is closing in terms of play. I look at them now and I can see the future. I can see the summer when they will go outside and play together, where we will go to the park and they will run off and explore whilst I can sit and watch from a distance. Now, it seems like this 4 year age gap I was so worried about really isn’t that bad after all. I have almost waited for this time for so long, when they have their own relationship independent of me and I don’t have to be on their tails all of the time and it is really lovely to witness. However of course as these things go in parenting I am looking back and wondering when exactly that happened and wishing I could go back and soak up the moment just before it changed without me realising.

Before I know it they will be playing in the playroom or in their bedrooms together and I will no longer need to be within touching distance to get involved, to referee or to curb their curiosity of what exactly Mummy is doing when she isn’t in the room. I won’t need to be there, but I will certainly want to be there. I will curse the days where I wished they would just leave me alone for a minute or pulled on my leg as I was making dinner instead of playing. I will regret the nights when I was relieved they were asleep just so I could have a second to think and I will long to feel the pull of suffocation when they are both talking at the same time because they see their own point as more important than the other’s. I know that I will feel that because a part of me feels it alread. So this week more than any, while they still choose to involve me, I am going to relish playing, join them on the slide and lie down in the grass to look at the clouds on a freezing February day, just because we can.

Yesterday we spent our first day of the holidays together at the cinema, the garden centre, having a car picnic (because we are classy like that!) and then the children wanted to go to the park too. It was a busy day but an absolutely amazing one where we all got what we needed, quality time spent together in the simplest of ways. They were so happy and messing around on the grass that I just had to take some photos. I actually already had some siblings photos I was going to use this month – which is rare before the very last day – but I absolutely love these. They look happy and carefree and I can see the utter joy and pride in both of their faces that totally sums up this day and indeed the majority of this month too.

My funny, cuddly, loving and mischievous sisters in February.


Sisters Siblings February in the park Sisters Siblings February in the park Sisters Siblings February in the park Sisters Siblings February in the park Sisters Siblings February in the park Sisters Siblings February in the park Sisters Siblings February in the park Sisters Siblings February in the park

I love this one when Roma fell off Eva’s knee and her first reaction was to laugh! Thankfully that was Roma’s stance on the situation too.

Sisters Siblings February in the park Sisters Siblings February in the park Sisters Siblings February in the park Sisters Siblings February in the park

The Me and Mine Project
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14 thoughts on “Sisters – February 2017 {Siblings}”

  1. I love these photos, I love the one with Eva’s hat over her eyes, that smile! I know exactly what you mean about Roma turning 2 and suddenly its the moment you’ve been waiting for with the way they are with each other. It was the same when Holly turned 2. There is 4 years between my brother and I and we had the most wonderful relationship and we played together right the way through our childhood, you definitely have nothing to worry about x

  2. Oh what gorgeous photos of Eva and Roma having fun together and I especially love the final one where they are holding hands. It’s funny how that age gap seems to get smaller as they get bigger isn’t it and sounds like having a slower pace of life during half term was much needed all round. Hope that you all had a lovely one 🙂 #siblingsproject


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