After last months update which consisted mostly of the inevitable start of the siblings squabbles, this time I feel like my two little ladies are back in their groove again.
Sisters – June {Siblings}
The front door opens with a creek, I step a foot inside the hall, my head still spinning with the work I just left behind and then I hear it. I hear faint voices, muted laughter and an echo, which teamed with the open stair gate in front of me beckons me up the stairs, my tired legs and little feet can barely make it up the 13 soft carpet covered steps before those little voices turn into excited shouts “Mum, Mum, Mum, Mama, Mama, Mama”. I made it to bath time.
Sisters – May {Siblings}
When I was pregnant with R I worried alot about the age gap, about the fact that at just turned 4 years old E was already an old soul, very grown up and that maybe due to a loss in between I had left it too late for them really to bond. That they would be into different things, at a different time in their life and that it would be like parenting only children – twice over!