Little Lady E’s Birth Story – 5 Years Later

Little Ladies Big World E's Birth Story

Little Ladies Big World E's Birth Story

I have been contemplating writing a blog for 5 years – I lacked the confidence and to be honest now only 3 weeks in I am kicking myself that I did not do it sooner. I LOVE it! The thing I love most is that I am documenting those days, the emotions, the details that may otherwise be forgotten. The ordinary every day that I know have been lost, some of my 5 year old’s early years I can’t recall and I wish I did. At the time I felt like this was amazing and I wanted to remember it forever, the feeling lingers but the details drift. Especially as having your first is such a different experience to adding to the family. Anyway I digress, so I am going to write some posts retrospectively, recorded for me, for my little ladies and forever.

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The Power of Another Mother {The Ordinary Moments #4}

The Power of Another Mother

The Power of another mother

We have been through our fair share of illnesses and sleepless nights in this house. In fact, unfortunately, it has become quite ‘ordinary’. Namely E. She has allergy and ENT issues that hopefully will be improved by an operation in a couple of weeks. This I find terrifying and positive in equal measures as hopefully it will make a big difference to her and in turn us. A few months back we had a poorly E and a newly walking and sleep disturbed 9 month old R.

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“I am 5” {The Ordinary Moments #2}

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“Hello. I am 5”

To My Little Lady E

On 30th December you turned 5. Ever since that day a very ordinary moment has occurred…every day, on every occasion you can possibly get the words in you exclaim “Hello. I am 5”. It comes with such pride in your voice that you cannot help but smile. Whether this be to someone at the school gates, a friend or indeed anyone anywhere that happens to engage in conversation with you because my little lady you do like to talk!

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