A Shared Love of Football & Her First Everton Match

A Shared Love of Football & First Everton Match

A Shared Love of Football & First Everton Match

Football Football Football. That is what has pretty much dominated the last few weeks right? World Cup hope and all that. Well especially in my household as Eddy is the biggest football fan ever and will watch any match he can. I think it probably dominates his every day actually as he has a huge passion for the game no ,atter who is playing and was actually pretty good in his time, a few years and two knee operations ago that is. He is still pretty good though when he does play, he has that natural talent and scarily good knowledge that in another life might even have seen him live out his professional footballer dream. 

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Bring Back The Top Teeth {The Ordinary Moments #6}

losing top teeth

losing top teeth

When Eva lost her first tooth, which I wrote about almost an exact year ago today (which is just weird) it felt like such a milestone for her, for me. It was so emotional that the little smile I had known for six whole years was changed forever, an emotion that also came with a sense of pride that we had come this far, of course it did change her face but no sooner had she lost those bottom teeth than new ones grew in its place, albeit not pearly white milk teeth like before, still, teeth.

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Walking – Eva’s Journey {Looking Back #17}

Walking first steps evas journey

Walking first steps evas journey

I always thought Eva was a late walker, I remember being that first time Mum looking around at all these walking babies before their 1st birthday or shortly after and thinking that my non physical little baby girl would never get there. She talked, but she didn’t walk. Then when Roma walked at 9 months it always seemed like Eva was the late one, it was never a problem, she just wasn’t that interested.

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