Beach Days in Brittany {The Ordinary Moments #29}

Brittany Beach Days

Brittany Beach Days

It seems surreal to say that beach days for us are an ordinary moment. Living in Staffordshire we are pretty much as far away as you can get from a beach. Yet at the moment and for 4 whole weeks we have one within a 3 minute walk. So it is, if not just for now, an ordinary moment.

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A Day in Stratford-upon-Avon & The Butterfly Farm

Stratford Butterfly Farm

Stratford Butterfly Farm

The school holidays to me are like gold. I miss E so much that I truly count down to the days when she hasn’t got to be up and out and where we can live a little freely, more relaxed and just spend time together. I also really want to make it special, to make the time we have together more than just the every day, to run through the wild flowers and jump onto a train for a big adventure at the drop of a hat.

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