Me and Mine – February 2016

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February, Honestly ? You have been a mixed month. After the excitement of celebrating a first birthday on the 1st I knew it would follow with weeks full of medical appointments, hospital visits, emotional times and little people needing us more than ever and that proved totally true. The second week brought E into hospital to have her ear nose and throat surgery and directly coincided with R’s 12 month vaccinations and a sickness bug that seemed to span the entire week the Mr had taken off in preparation for E’s recovery. We were totally at their mercy; and that was ok –  they needed us. There has been mountains of washing, lots of crying and not much sleep.

I guess February will always be like this for us, a child’s birthday is always so special and I wouldn’t want to take anything away from that, yet a couple of weeks later we have the emotional time of the anniversary of the baby that never was.

There has however been huge positives, it has meant that we have spent a lot of time curled up indoors spending together as a family, me and mine. E had two weeks off school including half term, Daddy was home too for a week and even though there have been tough times, we have spent it together and in parts that has been so so lovely. It has meant that instead of adventures out and busy days we have spent time playing board games, laughing until we cry, taking notice of all the little things we all do to make one another smile, laugh and appreciate life. A lie in, extra cuddles in bed, a cup of tea or a made up joke that is only funny to a 5 year old but that in itself makes us laugh too.

We have been attentive to one another’s needs, supportive and understanding. The one thing that really shone when the Mr was off was his bond with R, don’t get me wrong he has a bond with both of his children but being so young and dependent on me the ordinary week he spent at home really brought him and the littlest close together. She has a very strange love for our chickens which I actually posted about here yesterday and this month he has taken her with him whenever he can, a special moment they share. She has followed him around the house and by the time he went back to work she definitely missed his presence and is always so excited to shout Dada the second she hears the distinct sound of his keys in the door of an evening.

I have loved having E at home for an extended period of time and have to say I missed her dearly the day she went back to school. It is no secret that I wish she was at home with us and even 6 months in I am still not used to it. It does however make me cherish the times she is here.

We have had some lovely days out too and have made time for each other as individuals I really feel this month has been all about simple family time and I end it happy that we made the most of it. I also got a job – as I write all of this down now it doesn’t seem like it was actually such a quiet one after all! But I am aware that life may get that little bit busier soon as I start work (albeit part time) outside of the home and whilst I am very much looking forward to this new chapter I am glad to be appreciating the simple times together too.

We were very conscious to make the most of February and now that the children are on the mend and the weather has been good, at the weekend we went out for the day. We spent the day together. We met up with one of my sisters and her family. We had cuddles with my adorable little nephew, lunch, coffees, a look around the cathedral and played on the park in the freezing cold until late! It was simply wonderful. I wanted to capture my family photos too so my sister very kindly took them for us. Trying to get R to stand still is always a challenge but this really made the moment, that is her right now, that is what she is like, her character, we wouldn’t have her any other way, and that makes our family, R running away and E thinking it is the funniest thing ever! As always I am glad to be part of this project as I know that – although not perfect photos – I would not have them if it was not for my blog and for this project.

As I sit here writing this, I can’t help but be distracted by the sun shining through the window and notice the feeling of calm. In truth it has at times taken it’s toll on us all this month and I will most certainly be happy to see the arrival of March, a positive step and a little bit closer to spring. However I do though leave this month with an overwhelming feeling of contentment. Yes there is lots to do and life is a little bit crazy at times but it is our crazy and this month could have been a total write off but we made it special, me and my little family got through with happy memories and warm hearts.

My family in February, not always perfect – always mine xx

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Linking with Lucy over at dear beautiful for the very first time
The Me and Mine Project

2 thoughts on “Me and Mine – February 2016”

    • Thank you Katie, it has been an emotional month but good too, we are all better and have a spring in our step going into March x


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