Living Arrows #6 {2017}

Living Arrows photo childhood

Living Arrows {which originally comes from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”) is about celebrating childhood, and for me is about one photo from each week telling a story, mostly, all of it’s own.

After saying last week was busy and that this week might have a slower pace to it, I have to say if it is possible this week has been crazier, but in the most wonderful way. With only 2 working days for Eddy it has been filled with family time, going here there and everywhere and making the most of the half term holidays. Today we have the ultimate of lazy days planned before the start of another hectic week just me and the girls.

These photo’s were taken at Legoland at the start of the week, we had the best time and because we spread it out over two days we had lots of moments of calm, to stop and just be, and to rest weary legs. Except having a rest for adults and children are very different things, whilst we sat on a blanket soaking up the sun, these two ran around chasing each other – and birds – giggling away and it is one of those moments you wish you could bottle up. The ones that I for one would always envisage being the epitome of parenting, sitting back and watching it all happen around me, and actually it was the perfect moment for photo’s too!

This isn’t one I would usually post but I love the character it shows, she was clearly shocked by something. By Roma, she was definitely shocked by Roma!

Living Arrows Photo childhood

I think this has to be one of my favourite photos of Roma ever. It is so light and dreamy yet sums her up perfectly in one little shot, she is a whirlwind, she never sits still and here she is running around manically chasing birds and shouting “birds come back I want to snuggle you. BIRDS!” She is totally obsessed with catching birds of any kind and giving them a cuddle despite being told numerous times that birds in fact fly away when approached, yet even having that fact demonstrated on 100’s of occasions doesn’t stop her enthusiasm for this unique sport. Oh to be 2 years old!

Living Arrows photo childhood


Living Arrows

9 thoughts on “Living Arrows #6 {2017}”

  1. These are both so gorgeous! The one of Roma is fabulous – definitely something really dreamy about it and it just looks like such a perfect summer day. So glad you had a great day at Legoland – it’s one of my favourite places ever as I used to work there for a bit and I’m still a regular visitor now! #livingarrows

  2. That are both gorgous photos. think I need to get better about going out when the light is just right. We’re always home by the time it’s good #livingarrows

  3. We absolutely love Legoland but don’t think we have ever had a moment of calm there! I love the thought of you all picnicing in the sun. It sounds like you had a lovely break x

  4. Truly gorgeous photos, we are off to legoland in June as part of G’s birthday celebrations, you must tell me all your tips! Already I’m taking a picnic blanket x #livingarrows


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