To My Nana

Nana Great Nana 80 90 years old

Nana Great Nana 80 90 years old

I wasn’t sure whether to write this, whether it was too much to share. After all this blog is about my Little Ladies, our wonderful adventures and ordinary life. But once again this is life, real life where real things happen to us all the time. And today, well today didn’t exactly turn out as expected. Today was not great.

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Today is International Hyperemesis Awareness Day.

I am all too aware of that word. I have written about my hyperemesis story before and I thought that was all I had to say. All I could share. Yet I sit here tonight and I can’t stop thinking about it. I don’t want it to define me, to govern my every day and to be honest it has left things so raw I don’t think I could. Yet it has changed me immeasurably, changed my view on my family, my relationship with my first born child, her own outlook on pregnancy, the dynamics, my view of myself, pretty much every aspect of my life. We move on, and to the outsider who knows no different we are just like anyone else. I was a little bit sick in pregnancy but here I am the other side and that’s just a story now. But it never ever goes away, never leaves your mind and I still wouldn’t want any other women to have to go through it. I can’t forget it. If I forget it I am afraid that will mean I forget the life that never was, I can’t do that, I can’t fail them again.

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