DIY Sleepover Party

Sleepover party

Sleepover party

For her 9th birthday Eva decided she wanted a sleepover. Easy right?

We’ve never actually had a sleepover at all. She likes her space when she sleeps and the closest she’s ever got is camping with Eddy and another family where she shared her tent with a friend. Yet here she was asking for not one, not two, but SEVEN of her friends to sleepover at our house. Not JUST a sleepover *insert M&S advert voiceover here*. No. A sleepover party.

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My December Birthday, My Fairy Party & My Overcompensating Mum

December Birthday Fairy Party food Fairy Cake

December Birthday Fairy Party food Fairy Cake

Once upon a time there was a girl whom was inconsiderately born just 5 days after Christmas….and on that day she would quite liked to have crawled back into the womb and saved everybody the pain and heartache of complaining about this ‘Christmas birthday’ every single year for the rest of her life

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