Sisters – March 2018 {Siblings}

Sisters Siblings March 2018

Sisters Siblings March 2018

When I thought about writing this months update I really wasn’t sure what I would say. The girls are in a really wonderful stage at the moment where they adore each other (give or take a shove or two, and shouts of “she’s doing this” (insert moaning voice) every 5 seconds when you just want to go for a wee or cook dinner) they are just in this really natural rhythm where they are drawn to each other for everything, for play, for comfort, to show off the latest thing that have learnt to do or seen. And it is wonderful. I never want to come across as smug or perfect as of course life isn’t like that at all and parenting siblings always has it’s moments but there is definitely a joy hanging around their relationship right now and I want to celebrate that. The epitome of this was just tonight at bedtime.

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Sisters – November 2017 {Siblings}

sisters siblings november

sisters siblings november

You know when you have a plan? As a parent, as a blogger, a photographer, you have a plan that is almost certainly going to work because you even went to the trouble to write it down. Foolproof right? Or just foolish maybe? This weekend the plans to take the siblings photos didn’t exactly go, well, to plan! This is what leaving things until the last minute does for you isn’t it?

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