My Family Adventures – May

My Family Adventures May

May has gone by in a flash and a blur of so many sunny adventures it has definitely been one that has been good for the soul with lots of family time. We have had two bank holidays, a long weekend away and a half term to boot with a cycle ride and trip to York. I think with the arrival of the sunshine and promise of more outdoor adventures to come it might just have been my favourite month so far. Permanent 4 day weeks anyone?

Ok Ok so since half writing this post ready for the 1st I got totally wiped out with an infection, sinusitis, vertigo, laryngitis and a possible case of pneumonia too which I am not loving quite so much. It has meant I could barely get through the day the last couple of weeks nevermind look at the computer so I can only apologise for the late late post this month. Life and all that!

Anyway, before the illness so lovingly passed on to me by Roma and her incessant nursery germs she just insists on sharing with her poor immune deprived Mummy took hold, this month has been full of outdoor adventures. We are talking bluebell woods, rapeseed fields, summer dresses, ice creams, picnics, paddling pool, cycling, dandelion clocks and all the amazing things that spring brings. The weather may well have taken a while to get the memo of winter being over but my gosh it is glorious now that it has. Except the rain which seems to only come when it is school run time and half term that is….such is the British weather for you!

Aswell as lots of outdoor frolicking close to home where we have been able to sit back and watch the world go by and really appreciate the children and the life we have, after dinner scooter strolls and evening garden games we also went to Center Parcs for a long weekend with my sisters and family. We had a hot tub, steam room and sauna in the lodge and it was such a fab weekend. We definitely could have stayed longer and I am so excited to share our trip in photos and videos soon.

I still have so much to write up from this month and hope to get back on the blogging wagon soon, I feel like I am forever playing catch up at the moment but I guess that is what life with small children will do for you! Especially when you have so many ideas just stored up in your head or half written. But as much as it seems I am always busy with this and that (as I write this Roma is chattering beside me playing aqua beads and asking me questions every 5 seconds whilst I can hear both the dishwasher and washing machine whirring in the kitchen, see the clean clothes drying on the line and smell the tomato soup I have bubbling on the stove) I know that when the house is quiet, when there is no longer a million things they need me for right now this second I will miss it. Gosh at 7 and 3 I already sometimes miss the suffocating baby days, the cute little crawling and tiny chubby toes, I often find myself romanticising those newborn snuggles and late night feeds like it definitely wasn’t torture!! The days are long but the years are short…oh so very true.

So we are all about appreciating the moment we are in and making the most of what we have. At the beginning of the month Eddy took Eva to her first Everton match (he is the biggest football and Everton fan ever) and it was the cutest thing to watch them bond over something he is so passionate about, she has been attending lots of dance clubs, parties and full days and is really coming into her own having spent most of her 7 years at home in the comfort of our company. Gosh she is growing up before my eyes at the moment, and boy do we know it, backchat isn’t fun is it!? She also loved celebrating the royal wedding which we had a little gathering for at home and she went all out getting dressed up and drinking apple juice from a plastic champagne flute! Her sister of course joined in and wore a white flower girl dress the whole day!

In terms of Roma this month has been a tough one for me, of course at an innocent 3 her world is amazing and magical and without worry (other than what clothes to wear, book to read or toy to play with next that is, all big worries as a 3 year old) but having had her first ever hair cut which made her grow up in an instant and start an extra day at nursery to make it 2 days a week I have just missed my little buddy so much. She is just at the most delicious age with the most infectious enthusiasm for everything in life and I found that I literally ache to see her, I miss her so so much that after just a few weeks I have decided to keep her at home that day. She will still go one day a week and perhaps will up it again in a few months time but with all the talk of school places the last month it made me so aware that we only have a year. One single year! The next time the calendar turns to May it will be her that is trying on uniforms, having taster days at an actual school and even typing that brings tears in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks. I am not ready, she is my last baby, my last little buddy at home and I want to take every single last second to chat to her and teach her all I can about the world before our whole world changes forever. I can quite literally never ever get this time back. I am pretty sure this school thing isn’t going to be any easier second time around is it?

Suffice to say it is emotional, another year feels like it has passed us by, year 2 is almost over, as much as this makes my heart ache it also makes me excited for all of the adventures we can have right now, big and small. About the summer, one of the only 18 summers we get with the children (before they would rather hang out with their friends than their old Mum and Dad) is on the horizon and I for one know that I will appreciate every single one. Even if I am praying for bedtime some days, its all about balance after all!

My Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures MayMy Family Adventures May

It was really lovely to read all of the posts linked up last month again and I cannot wait to see what everyones May looked like with all this sunshine so if you have a round up of the month, a family adventure post or a post all about the arrival of said sunshine then we would love to have you join us. Simply link to both Kerri-Ann and I in your post and pop it down below. And of course don’t forget to comment on the hosts posts and see what everyone else has been up to too, let’s share the My Family Adventures love….And next month I will be on time…promise!

3 thoughts on “My Family Adventures – May”

  1. Sounds like a really mixed month, of gorgeous family time and sadness that comes with illness. I really do hope that June is more positive for you with no illness x

  2. Beautiful beautiful photos Laura. I’m so sorry the illness has wiped you out, it’s so hard when you’re a mum and you just don’t get a chance to rest and recover. I’m so glad you’ve made the decision to drop Roma’s nursery days down too – the deadline is rapidly approaching for Max and I’m so emotional over it, I can already see I’ll be all over the place when it comes to having them both at school. Enjoy this summer together.

  3. Wow, what a time you’ve had with it regarding illness – sorry to hear you were dealing with all that; it sounds intense! Hopefully this blog post, and others since, mean you are well & truly on the mend now.

    May seems to have been one of those perfect months you can only dream of, and now look back upon fondly with sunshine, time outdoors and plenty of quality time together as a family.

    I hope June is proving to be a great month for you & your family.


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