Me And Mine – February 2018

Me and Mine February 2018

Wow has the end of February snuck up on me! One minute it is the 1st, Roma has turned 3 and I breathe a sigh of relief that the crazy time is over and that I’m kind of glad that all the birthdays and Christmas are out of the way for the year. The next thing I know I am sat here writing at midnight in a panic I might just miss the last day of the month, miss Me and Mine! I must admit that not only has writing the post been last minute but the photos were a little too, in fact a lot! We have had a busy week of half term just me and the girls with Eddy working, followed by a busy weekend of me working, then recovering, and Eva at a birthday party till Sunday afternoon. Truth be told I only realised then that this was in fact the last weekend. Great planning I know. All that was left was a cold Sunday afternoon shortly before the sun was setting.

Not to be defeated by the sky trying to snow or the temperature below zero we bundled up and got out for a bike ride and a scoot. This is by far the girls favourite thing to do at the moment so it didn’t take any time at all to convince them which is a good job really. It actually took more time to convince them to come home again after our hands and toes were numb, I am sure they would have stayed forever.

Like I said I wasn’t feeling at my best after being on my feet a lot the day before at an event and I was a bit frustrated as I always am about the pain that I have to endure just to do simple things when mostly I try and avoid it and just carry on. Yet it knocked me off my feet for most of Sunday and I spent most of the day in bed. When this happens I often get mad and sad and like it is all unfair in the moment and feel like I am missing out on so much that I just wish I could do. Which is kind of a fair feeling t have in my situation so I sit here and wait for the weather to break to improve things a little.

Then I looked back at last years post, same month, different circumstances, but pretty much the same feelings. You see the weather plays a huge part in my muscle/joint condition and as much as I never want it to stop me getting out and about, I know what the consequences are, I just don’t always realise it. Reading it back made me appreciate that this is ok. It made me thankful for writing these posts,  not just for the love of capturing the photos but for the words too. The honest tales of life right now, because when I look back I can know that it was ok and know that it will be ok. Just like it always is. Yes some months might be tougher than others both physically and mentally but some are pretty amazing too and aren’t we the lucky ones that get to appreciate one from the other.

So these might not be the best photos but as usual this is us right now, in that last minute Sunday moment with everything we need. Just that. Just us.

Me and Mine February 2018Me and Mine February 2018Me and Mine February 2018Me and Mine February 2018Me and Mine February 2018

The Me + Mine Project - Dear Beautiful

7 thoughts on “Me And Mine – February 2018”

  1. I love that last photo with Roma looking back at us, its like she’s making sure we are all still looking. We are Roma, we are. Hope the weather warms up for you soon to help you feel better.

  2. They’re lovely photos Laura, I love the winter sunshine. We were last minute too – I only realised on the Sunday that it was our last chance! I feel exactly the same every year in February, it’s always my lowest month, but the promise of spring is so close.

  3. Love the lighting in these hunny so beautiful. Captured your family perfectly. I can’t wait to get outside more and feel spring in the air. I am so done with warm then snow then wind storm than warm then snow again can’t make up it’s mind here. Craziness. Sorry for late commenting catching up today. 🙂 #meandmineproejct


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