My Very First Post – A New Ordinary {The Ordinary Moments #1}

Another exciting year has flown by, I became a mother of two and a mother of a school age child! My eldest Little Lady has actually started school and on the back of her new adventure I too have decided to start my own.

So I am linking with Katie over at mummydaddyme for her “The Ordinary Moments” post which I absolutely love and hope that this here blogging will become an ordinary moment for me – and not just in my head this time.

So Hello – There’s me – Laura aka Mummy, Eddy aka Daddy and of course the two Little Ladies that inspire this blog and indeed my every day. My eldest Little Lady E is five and the youngest Little Lady R is 11 months.


Wow have times changed becoming a mother of 2. I find that remembering it all is like wading through mud. You feel sure you will not forget a thing. The way your baby smells after another night feeding in the early hours when you have lost track of time and weeks in a bleary eyed state seems so intense. That feeling when you first set eyes on that perfect Little Lady just seconds old. Or their tiny fingers, tiny toes and adorable newborn screech – yet in an instant they are starting school, a little more independent and you realise that time has passed you by and those tiny little moments that felt so big at the time are a mere memory and maybe they will be lost in all that is the joyous road of parenting.


So here I am putting pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard) in the vain hope that it will allow me to relive those moments. In years to come and when perhaps my Little Ladies are fully fledged ladies themselves it will help them to remember, relive and maybe understand the raw emotions, the fantastic adventures and even how special the every day is. Every day may not be 24 hours of smiles, laughter and happy ever after (you know the times… when everyone is crying, or you are breastfeeding and your other child goes to the toilet and announces “I’m finished” –  and all you really want is to just sit down in silence with a cup of tea – yes that!!) but hopefully when the good is documented in such a fashion as this, those moments will (and they most certainly do) pail into insignificance and my Little Ladies can be happy and proud that we had each other.

As really, bad days and good, out of all the people I could have in my life, I am glad it is them.

Hello World – Another adventure begins………….




3 thoughts on “My Very First Post – A New Ordinary {The Ordinary Moments #1}”

  1. Wow what a beautiful family you are! I love the photo of the back of the three of you as well, so gorgeous. And welcome to the world of blogging! It definitely takes some time to get into the swing of things but honestly don’t give up even if you feel like it- it is the best thing I ever did! x

    • Thank you, I love your blog and your photos are always gorgeous so that means a lot.I definitely have so much to learn but everyone has to start somewhere right? X


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