Living Arrows #1

Living arrows 6 year old hanging from a treeAs a lover of photography and a slight obsessive memory maker I take so many photographs. I have a computer and external hardrive absolutely full of photos of my little ladies which I love but to be honest I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing. There is usually a story to be told and it takes me far too long to write a post that so many photos don’t get shared and suddenly a week, or a month has gone by and my little ladies have grown and changed in an instant.

So I thought I would start something a bit different for me and I am excited about joining in with Donna over at What the Redhead said   for Living Arrows which is all about capturing childhood. I will share a photo or two from our week to capture that moment, to actually see the little changes in my two and to let the photos speak (mostly) for themselves.

These were taken on Saturday as we enjoyed the sunshine and the milder weather at some gardens just a few minutes from our house. The children love it there and it is definitely our go to place. They know it so well that they just run around like it is home, each year a whole row of beautiful daffodils appear and it is a real spectacle to see. Although they are not all quite out yet they loved to run in and out exploring and Eva decided to hang from a tree, she was so happy and giddy that she was up and down over and over again like she was high in the sky, rather than pretty much touching the floor with her legs straight!

Living arrows 6 year old hanging from a tree
Pretty much any time we leave the house Roma asks if we can take the bike and the scooter and this photo sums her up nicely, it is actually Eva’s scooter but Roma is much more confident for one so little and just goes ahead thinking of nothing more than scooting along in her own little world, racing past her sister whilst she is at it.
Living Arrows two year old on a scooter
Living Arrows

36 thoughts on “Living Arrows #1”

  1. Your littlest looks so cute and determined on her scooter but that photo of your eldest hanging from the tree, is just gorgeous. I might have to try and recreate it for myself! #livingarrows

  2. Amazing photo’s, you certainly are talented ! The best thing about taking lots of photo’s is that you capture the children’s different personalities and you have certainly done that here. #LivingArrows

  3. Love the photo of Eva swinging on the tree – brilliant! Love how her tights match the daffodils! We are all about the scooters in this house at the moment too xx

  4. That photo of Eva looks like something our of a fairytale. The colours and light are just beautiful – and it’s a pose just so symbolic of childhood. Love Roma on her scooter too! x

  5. I’m absolutely the same as you. I have had to order another drive to store them all! My husband thinks I’m mad. I think it’s great and I love it. Love the photo of Eva swinging from the trees. She is so happy 🙂 x #livingarrows

  6. I am completely the same and trying not to be a perfectionist each week with this tag. I must say I same really loving it. The photo Eva it’s fantastic. Monkey is also a bit scooter obsessed! Look forward to seeing your post next week x #Livingarrows

  7. What a lovely photo, she looks like she’s having fun hanging from the tree! And the perfect reason to link up. Like you I have a camera, phone and external hard drive full of photos, its so lovely to share and recall the memory. If you’re looking for more places to share your adventures I run a monthly link up (#MyFamilyAdventures) where you pull a post together of your adventures in the month, or just link a post previously written. I’d love to have you join in x

  8. I am exactly the same when it comes to photos and videos – it’s one of the main reasons I love blogging / vlogging so much! What gorgeous captures.. i cannot wait until Spring fully arrives xx


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