Living Arrows #5 {2017}

Living arrows photograph

Living Arrows {which originally comes from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”) is about celebrating childhood, and for me is about one photo from each week telling a story, mostly, all of it’s own.

This week seems to have gone super fast as we have just been so busy with the end of term madness and trying to get so much done before the holidays. It feels like I have blinked and missed it and I am very much looking forward to a slower pace of life for a couple of weeks now, even if that does mean I may not get as much blogging done!

Roma looks so serious in this picture and I actually love that I have no idea what it is about, what she is thinking or how she can go from this to a beaming smile and a belly laugh in the space of a few seconds.

Living arrows photograph

This photo of Eva actually brought me to tears when I saw it, I just adore it,  she looks so very grown up, so carefree and so happy that it makes my heart skip a beat. As much as she is maturing and becoming aware of the world around her, and can also get distracted by what someone else is doing so easily it drives me crazy, she is also still amused and happy with the smallest of things, with simple carefree days and it’s beautiful to watch and appreciate. Oh and it is rare you get a genuine smile from her when the camera is around so it is pretty special for that too.

Living arrows photograph


Living Arrows

20 thoughts on “Living Arrows #5 {2017}”

  1. I remember seeing this photo of Eva on IG and thinking how grown up does she look – in fact don’t you have a similar coat that you wore in your Me and Mine photos? (that’s probably why i though she looked grown up haha!) #LivingArrows

  2. I can totally relate to the rare smile! I wish I had never taught Monkey how to smile for the camera as all I get is a grimace now. I’m trying not to fall into the same trap again. Hope you have a great break x #LivingArrows


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