Sisters – May 2017 {Siblings}

Sisters Siblings Bluebells tree swing

Despite usually taking my siblings photos at the very last moment, this month I felt a little bit like I had nailed it by having them in the bag three weeks ago! Yay. Yet I still sit here on the very morning I hit publish writing this post, I’ll never learn! I am not sure where these few weeks have gone though and it has been a blur of Easter, days out, simple days at home, ordinary life and short working weeks, that teamed with the lingering sleepless nights which is a whole different post altogether it really has been a fast one.

In terms of these two though there really has been little change, similarly to last months update they have just settled into this relationship of theirs and whilst it brings it’s bickering complications I am loving watching them together and although there is little to really see and to document here they are becoming closer each and every month. I keep promising myself that I will write little bits of their months down as they happen so that when I come to these posts I will recall them and lock them in writing to keep forever, the tiny little moments between them that will otherwise go unnoticed and pale into the every day, maybe next month!

For now as I skip through this months posts and photos and even messages I have sent to Eddy to jog my memory I just see a team. Roma wants to be with Eva all of the time and when they are at home they can play together for ages and I don’t think standing in the kitchen watching them play in the playroom through the window will ever get old, no matter how many cups of coffees and avocados on toast I have to pretend to eat from their kitchen.

Eva this month has loved doing the colour run with Eddy, going up another reading level to cream and now being a free reader and discovering youtube kids therefore becoming obsessed with watching Mary Berry and american baking programs with some pretty impressive cakes I have to say (namely a wedding cake hanging from the ceiling!)

Roma has loved more than anything this month the Everton kit that Eddy got for her and asks to wear it constantly! She is also still loving nursery, making balloon animals (or attempting is probably a better description) being outside in the garden more and helping Mummy cleaning.

Together they have loved checking on our caterpillars every morning to see if they have turned into butterflies yet, reading with one another and cuddling in Roma’s bed at bedtime and whispering in one anothers ears to gang up on us, as a mother that is annoying and I am constantly saying that whispering is rude but as a sister I know it is exciting and fun and part of me kind of loves that although for the most part we are a full on team of 4, sometimes it is them vs us and it warms my heart to see.

My photos this month like I said were from a few weeks ago in the bluebells and the rapeseed, much like the Me and Mine because really you can’t let them pass you by can you!? I love them so much and in most of them they are not looking or smiling but adventuring together and isn’t this swing just the epitome of childhood itself?! I just love it and I love that Eva is looking at Roma and holding her hand because in truth Roma didn’t like it very much and needed her sisters support to know that she was safe, together, just them two.


Sisters Siblings Bluebells Sisters Siblings Bluebells tree swing Sisters Siblings Bluebells Sisters Siblings Bluebells tree swing Sisters Siblings Bluebells tree swing Sisters Siblings Bluebells tree swing Sisters Siblings rapeseed Sisters Siblings rapeseed Sisters Siblings rapeseed Sisters Siblings rapeseed

The Me and Mine Project
Linking with Dear Beautiful  and co

16 thoughts on “Sisters – May 2017 {Siblings}”

  1. Gorgeous photos. It is lovely to see them being a little team together even if it does feel like you are being ganged up on at times. I had my photos ready early this month too but left writing the post until the last minute – glad it’s not just me that does that! 🙂 #siblingsproject


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