The Colour Run {The Ordinary Moments #19}

Colour Run Colour Blast Dash

An unexpected bonus of being a parent I think is the joy I feel just watching someone else having fun, not being the person who is right there in the action but watching it all happen around me, watching as these people who love each other as intensely as I do share in moments just for them, and so far in my 6 years of parenting this has just got better and better.

Of course I love to be in the thick of it, experiencing life with Eva and laughing right along with her, being the one who instigates a smile or shares the passion in a conversation, but there is also something really special about witnessing it. Something maybe even more intense than being in it yourself because you can see everything so much more clearly. The pure joy on her face as she runs around completely free from thoughts of anything other than how she is going to evade capture and cover her dad in multicoloured cornstarch powder, just for the fun of it.

On Sunday Eva and Eddy took part in their second ever 2.5k colour run. They did their first one last year and adored it so much that they have been pretty much looking forward to this one ever since. It was a beautiful warm day and you could feel the buzz in the air as we walked down the hill and approached the start line. Roma and I were spectators for the day and I have to say I am quite glad we took the pushchair as similarly to last year she didn’t really like all the colour at all and retreated to sitting in it most of the time, or being held. But she did wear Eva’s old colour run tshirt and I just hope she changes her mind in a couple of years when she’s old enough to take part!

They ran the whole race without stopping and waved so proudly as they passed us waiting at one of the 3 colour stations where in this instance they were showered in orange. In fact they ran so fast from that colour station to the finish that I could be seen running with the pushchair (or my fast walk version of running that is) to avoid missing them finish!

It all went by in a bit of a blur, they came through the finish line after around 20 minutes absolutely beaming and absolutely covered in colour! I was then treated to a huge hug to ensure I was covered too! It was then time for the paint release, now this is the fun bit. Once the last person has finished the race everyone gathers together in a crowd with music and open packets of multicoloured corn starch ready to throw up in the air at the exact same time. After an excited countdown not only was it an amazing sight to see as the skies filled with bursts of bright colour, it was also full of happiness, everyone danced and jumped up and down together, probably people we will never see again, yet share this simple moment with to make it great.

We sat and had a picnic to make the most of the day whilst they did more running up and down the hill because clearly they hadn’t ran enough….but this time Roma could join in too. I sat there proud as punch and as much as I would love to be able to run alongside them, and I would do anything to be able to do that, I know that come the time Roma is old enough (and not scared of the colour!) I will gain just as much joy, if not more, watching them share in the time together, and of course capturing it for us to keep forever too.


The photos and video footage aren’t exactly what I would have wanted because I had Roma on my hip pretty much the entire time but I am glad I captured the smiles and the pride that I can see in these and that remind me of the beautiful time they spend together.

Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash Colour Run Colour Blast Dash

Linking with Katie Mummy Daddy Me & Donna What the Redhead said for the Ordinary Moments

8 thoughts on “The Colour Run {The Ordinary Moments #19}”

  1. Oh my goodness what an amazing little tradition, we thought about it last year but never managed to book. Bless little Roma for not liking the colour, hopefully one day. I love your photos and all that colour – wow #theordinarymoments x x


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