Our Family Summer Bucket List 2023


It’s that time of year again. The Family Summer Bucket List. A time to celebrate all the ordinary simple summer moments that bring us joy and, lets be honest, help us to focus and get through the tedious nature of being in each others pockets 24/7 with the expectation to entertain every second. Spoiler, I do NOT entertain even half of every second and that is totally ok!

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Me and Mine – January 2019

Me and Mine January 2019

Me and Mine January 2019

I ended last month with a sigh of relief that Christmas and birthday madness had gone by; yet here we are already staring in the face of another birthday! Roma is going to be turning 4 tomorrow and whilst everyone else thinks this month has had a million days and been the longest month ever, I am alright with the breathing space that brings and actually I can’t quite believe we are here already. Christmas goes by so incredibly fast that I am always grateful for January to slow down and take stock, maybe even feel like I have some control on my life again, maybe.

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