Oh March! Anyone else missing the signs of spring that have usually graced us with their presence in photos by this time of year? Seriously last years was all about the daffodils and I left it until the last weekend again this month to see if they would perhaps suddenly spring to life. But nope, we are still wearing coats and hats wondering if it will in fact snow again!!!
me and mine
Me And Mine – February 2018
Wow has the end of February snuck up on me! One minute it is the 1st, Roma has turned 3 and I breathe a sigh of relief that the crazy time is over and that I’m kind of glad that all the birthdays and Christmas are out of the way for the year. The next thing I know I am sat here writing at midnight in a panic I might just miss the last day of the month, miss Me and Mine!
Me and Mine – January 2018
This month has been full of simple days, simple weekends and simple family time. We haven’t had any big plans or been anywhere exciting, no news or event to talk of and overall that has been lovely. It does however mean there was no plan for our Me and Mine photos!