My Family Adventures – February

My Family Adventures February

My Family Adventures February

February has felt long and short all in one go. This post feels like it is being written in the middle of the month despite having just a few days to go until the turn of the calendar, yet it also seems like we have fit so much in too. We have spent an increasing amount of time outside, I have had my camera in hand loads more and I am even daring to dream of spring! Although the forecast for this week is looking very unlikely and we might slip back into hibernation mode pretty quickly!

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My Family Adventures – December

My family Adventures December

My family Adventures December

Wow have we packed alot into this month! December I am sure you will agree is always crazy busy, it’s bustling and so absolutely wonderfully festive that it really doesn’t feel like our feet have hit the floor yet. With Eva in a new school this year, Roma at Nursery and lots of bits and bobs planned (aswell as making a video every day for my Youtube channel) it was always going to be a busy one, but an amazing one too.

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