Sisters – May {Siblings}

Sisters Bluebells May 2016

Sisters Bluebells May 2016

When I was pregnant with R I worried alot about the age gap, about the fact that at just turned 4 years old E was already an old soul, very grown up and that maybe due to a loss in between I had left it too late for them really to bond. That they would be into different things, at a different time in their life and that it would be like parenting only children – twice over!

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Sisters – April {Siblings}

Siblings Sisters

Siblings Sisters


I am a little late with my siblings post, I actually have lots of photo’s of my Little Ladies together this month thanks to school holidays, Easter, lighter evenings and the milder weather. I have just neglected to find the time to write the post! At the moment it is actually pretty difficult to get a picture of one without the other as they are constantly together, of course they rarely look in the same direction or are busy running after/into one another but they are just the best of friends and I love watching the bond they have grow, more than anything in the world.

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Easter with Allergies {The Ordinary Moments #14}

Little Ladies Big World

Little Ladies Big World

This week has been all about Easter. It has been full, full of seeing friends and family, people we don’t see nearly often enough as life inevitably gets in the way but that we enjoy so so much when we do. Relaxed trips to the park, soaking up the long weekend with the Mr at home and then enjoying lazy mornings with no school run where we can eat our breakfast in our pyjamas whilst we wave Daddy off to work. It is a lovely time of year, of family time, of fun, about celebrating the spring, the new adventures and now since E started school it is also about having these two lovely weeks to spend with her at home. And of course chocolate. Because what is Easter without chocolate…..right? It’s like Christmas without presents, Birthdays without cake, Valentines without love. Chocolate of all shapes, sizes and varieties adorn shelves everywhere in the weeks (sometimes months) leading to Easter and is what 99% of Easter activities are geared towards. And why not? It has become synonymous with this time of year and what is the harm? It’s all about balance after all.

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