Sisters – July {Siblings}

Strawberry Picking Sibling Sisters July
Strawberry Picking Sibling Sisters July

As I sit to write this post I can hear my little ladies downstairs with their Daddy, there is laughter and squeals and it’s enough to get me running down those stairs to join them. I am in bed on day 4 of tonsillectomy recovery and my goodness do I miss them like crazy. Eva comes in to me in the morning, after school and before bed. She lies with me, reads to me and tells me about her day. Today I got to go downstairs and spend some time with R too, she chanted my name, talked and talked and she cuddled into me more than she has done for such a long time. I got as close as I could and soaked it all in, she smells like candy floss and fresh air all mixed in this beautifully intoxicating scent, I definitely take it for granted how much they are a constant for me and for each other. The bit I miss the most though is seeing them together, they bring out in each other such joy, contentment and of course utter mischief.

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Sisters – June {Siblings}

Sisters Siblings June

Sisters Siblings June

The front door opens with a creek,  I step a foot inside the hall, my head still spinning with the work I just left behind and then I hear it. I hear faint voices, muted laughter and an echo, which teamed with the open stair gate in front of me beckons me up the stairs, my tired legs and little feet can barely make it up the 13 soft carpet covered steps before those little voices turn into excited shouts “Mum, Mum, Mum, Mama, Mama, Mama”. I made it to bath time.

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Garden Fun, Experiments and Bubbles {The Ordinary Moments #24}

Garden Experiments

Garden Experiments

As I sit and write this it is Saturday evening and it is raining, raining so heavily in fact that it woke me up! After a lovely but busy day celebrating the Mr’s birthday we put my Little Ladies to bed and I lay there on mine to ensure all was quiet and they were in fact asleep before I went downstairs, just like I do every night, yet within minutes it was me whom was asleep. Fast forward 2 hours and the drumming of the rain on the open windows, the water spitting on the windowsill was enough to wake me and realise I needed to come and write this post.

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