We’re Finally Getting Sleep {The Ordinary Moments #39}

We are finally getting some sleep


Ok so the title is slightly misplaced as I haven’t been very well with my chest the last couple of weeks so I haven’t been sleeping much at all. I’m in the bleary eyed state of a mama with a newborn and the tell tale sting in my eyes. However, everybody else is finally getting some sleep!

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No More Milk Please {The Ordinary Moments #38}

eva at 5 in bedroom with books and milk

eva at 5 in bedroom with books and milk

As a mother I am used to things changing. In that very first moment that I set eyes on my baby girl and held her close to my chest everything changed and since then, it’s pretty constant. No sooner have they (and you) settled into one phase than its time for the next. When I think I have got something nailed they decide otherwise, to change the rules and that that is not the way to handle it anymore. From cluster feeding as a baby, the way I would wind them over my shoulder, the way they like to sleep and when, all the way up to how they like to style their hair or what their favourite book is. 

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A School Disco & Matching Halloween Outfits {The Ordinary Moments #37}

Halloween outfit witch matching sisters and disco

Halloween outfit witch matching sisters and disco

You know when you are a child and something makes you so excited that you can barely think of anything else in the run up to it? This was my eldest little lady this week. On Thursday she had her Halloween disco and for over a week she has been counting down the days on waking in the morning and talking all about what she would wear. By the time Thursday came around the grin was clear to see and as the bedroom door opened to greet us for the day, out bounded an extremely excited girl thinking about one thing alone. Dressing up.

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