A Big Girls Bed {The Ordinary Moments #33}

19 month old in toddler bed from a cot cuddling toys

19 month old in toddler bed from a cot cuddling toys

I remember the day. The exciting day almost 2 years ago when having just passed the 20 weeks stage of pregnancy, we put together the cot ready for our second little lady to enter the world. The day that made it feel so much more real. We had a nursery, it seemed so exciting yet so surreal.

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Hello Autumn {The Ordinary Moments #32}

Autumn leaves and two sisters playing

Autumn leaves and two sisters playing

I love summer. I love the freedom that it gives you. The long days and big adventures. Added to this I now love the long summer break since Eva started school, spending time with my babies in a relaxed way, throwing on a dress and jumping out the door for the day, or just for a walk to the park and feeling the sun on your back as the children pick flowers all around. Beach days, holidays, alfresco dining and drinking wine in the garden after the children go to bed. I will miss it all.

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Bathtime Fun and Bedtime Battles {The Ordinary Moments #31}

Bathtime Fun Little Ladies Big World

Bathtime Fun Little Ladies Big World
Before I became a mum I was under the impression that the fun stuff was the big days out, the celebrations or even the playing you get to do in the garden or the games of tickle and the laughter from the unbridled joy of childhood. Yet when I actually became a mum those 5 years ago, I realised that actually it was the smallest of moments that were the best. Bathtime and bedtime were one of my most favourite parts of any day. Although to start with her allergies and eczema meant Eva wasn’t always a massive bath fan as soon as she was out, wrapped up in a towel in that oh so cute way that makes any child look angelic, cuddled and warm in my arms, she was happy, content, safe. She has always loved books and from a very early age we would snuggle together and read. I remember it like it was yesterday. The way I would sit on the chair in the bay window of our room and kiss her on the head. Take in that intense smell that now is just a distant memory and smile at the way her tired eyes would droop as she fought to keep them open for the last book.

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