Often the weeks before a birthday there is an element of reflection, especially I think a child’s first birthday when there is the inevitable “this time last year” conversations. Little R will be 1 in just over 2 weeks. And today, as I watch my 11 month old walk around like it’s nothing I think how small she looks, just a baby. At bedtime I try to get as much milk into her tummy as humanly possible in the hope she will settle to sleep so I can sign off and sit down! Then it dawns on me…..
Little Ladies Big World
“I am 5” {The Ordinary Moments #2}
“Hello. I am 5”
To My Little Lady E
On 30th December you turned 5. Ever since that day a very ordinary moment has occurred…every day, on every occasion you can possibly get the words in you exclaim “Hello. I am 5”. It comes with such pride in your voice that you cannot help but smile. Whether this be to someone at the school gates, a friend or indeed anyone anywhere that happens to engage in conversation with you because my little lady you do like to talk!
My Very First Post – A New Ordinary {The Ordinary Moments #1}
Another exciting year has flown by, I became a mother of two and a mother of a school age child! My eldest Little Lady has actually started school and on the back of her new adventure I too have decided to start my own.