Roma at 18 Months Old

17 months R in a field

17 months R in a field

To My Littlest Lady

Roma Rose

You are 18 months old (actually thanks to French Wifi issues this post is being published late and today you turn 19 months, but hey who’s counting – I mean except for me!) Whilst it feels like you are growing in front of my eyes at a rate of knots and I wonder how you are a year and a half already, I literally cannot remember or imagine life without you in it. You are the liveliest little thing whom I often refer to as the sunshine in our family because that is exactly what you bring and I am pretty sure that everyone you come into contact with thinks the same.

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R is for…..

Baby Name Roma

Baby Name Roma

Since sharing my eldest Little Ladies name here I have been meaning to sit down and share R’s name too, after the excitement and the nerves hovering over the publish button came the realisation that I had to write this one aswell. I have loved sharing her name and am so happy with the decision but something feels different this time. I feel the kind of nerves and excitement where you get butterflies in your tummy, the kind where you are so overwhelmed it’s hard to find the perfect words as the final piece of the puzzle for this online space of mine takes place. Much like when we made that journey back home from the hospital with her, the four of us, my whole and complete world in one car. We walked into the house together on that cold February day with everything we had ever wanted and I remember crying at the sheer perfection of that moment, sitting with a cup of tea and looking around at the life I got to lead each and every day.

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The Book Bag {The Ordinary Moments #27}

School book Bag DSC_2990 (2)

There is nothing like an un-ordinary week to remind you that with children, even in the most extraordinary of times there will always be the ordinary, the usual, the mundane. These are the moments I will miss when they pass in the blink of an eye and I can’t remember, and indeed are the moments I have missed this week. I have sat in bed for the past 6 days and missed all the ordinary life going on around me, downstairs, outside, in school. I honestly hate the school run, every single day it surprises me, even as we edge closer to the end of the first year it comes as a shock that I really have to do this every single day and say goodbye to my girl whom I miss so very dearly whilst she is at school all day. I know I shouldn’t say that and I should let her have her time, her day and I do, of course I do but I just miss her terribly.

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