My Heart in her Hand.

My Heart in her Hands

My eldest Little Lady E is a mummy’s girl. She always has been and whilst she loves her dad, she needs me. At 5 years old she will still stick to my side in almost all scenarios and even at home is more often than not found in the same room that I am. Usually with a part of her body touching mine or as near as damn it! So close in fact that sometimes I have to remind her to give me some space. Totally aware of this, she is very mature and also knows too well that I may have to rush off and save R from whatever mischief she has found upon. As even at just 11 months R is definitely showing signs she will be somewhat different to her big sister and can usually been seen running as far as she can get away with!! But given the choice E would be right there with me, wherever that may be.

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These boots are made for walking {The Ordinary Moments #3}

These Boots are Made for Walking

My Littlest Lady R is very physical. A stark contrast to her big sister and a steep learning curve for me. I don’t know if it is the influence of seeing a 4 year old day in day out doing things she wishes she could do or it would always just have been her nature. However she sure is in a hurry to rush through life.

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I Made Her

Little Ladies Big World R's Birth Story

Little Ladies Big World R's Birth Story

Often the weeks before a birthday there is an element of reflection, especially I think a child’s first birthday when there is the inevitable “this time last year” conversations. Little R will be 1 in just over 2 weeks. And today, as I watch my 11 month old walk around like it’s nothing I think how small she looks, just a baby. At bedtime I try to get as much milk into her tummy as humanly possible in the hope she will settle to sleep so I can sign off and sit down! Then it dawns on me…..

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