The Yellow Fields

Rapeseed Fields

We are lucky here in the fact that although we live on the outskirts of a town there is so much countryside all around and you only have to drive a few minutes before there are fields and trees adorning the landscape everywhere you look. There is something about the countryside, the open air and the view for miles that instill a sense of calm for me, a contentment that nothing else can match. I always feel like I could easily just plant myself in the middle of it on a picnic blanket with a book and have the children running around me in their own little world of adventure.

Every day as we go on the school run, which is about a 10 minute drive, we pass fields upon fields, and this time of year there is a sea of yellow around me and it helps the day, it helps to forget about the fact that R screams and throws herself on the floor as we are getting ready to leave the house purely because she wants to hold her big sisters book bag every morning. How even if all has gone so smoothly and everyone is happy that within an instant you are late and trying to stay calm in order to JUST GET IN THE CAR. But then once we are in the car there is no going back, no distractions. We talk away and as I drive the long country road from our town to the little village where E attends school and I look around and see the beauty. The fog which hugs the trees and instigates a conversation about where it comes from, the frost which somehow makes all the details of the leaves stand out that little bit more, the white blanket of beautiful snow or more recently the bluebells and rapeseed beckoning us to go in and explore. And I breathe it in reminding myself that that is all I need.

As E has quite severe allergies and hayfever I have never really felt confident to take her to the “yellow fields” before and if I am honest we keep away at this time of year from cut grass and highly pollinated areas as much as we can but as she grows this is getting more difficult without feeling like she is missing out. She is 5 now and I feel like we are in a place where it is as managed as it can be, we know the signs and the triggers and have everything in place to allow her a normal life. I absolutely loved to see the freedom as I told her not to worry, as I told her it would be ok and she could go wherever she wanted and touch, feel, smell – just be a child. I must say this all the time but this year and since starting school it makes me think how big she seems, yet how little she is, it reminds me that she will be so quick to grow up, every child seems to be in a hurry as I probably was myself and it isn’t until you grow up that you think how wonderful being a child is! To run without abandon and to stop and smell the flowers just because, how something so ordinary becomes extraordinary with a pinch of imagination or a different view, I might be a bit late in the game here but she is still only little so we have time yet.

Time to enjoy being little, to gain the balance, to be happy and carefree for as long as we can.


Rapeseed Fields

Rapeseed Fields

Rapeseed Fields

Like Mother like daughter!

Rapeseed Fields

Rapeseed Fields

Rapeseed Fields

Rapeseed Fields

Rapeseed Fields

Rapeseed Fields


2 thoughts on “The Yellow Fields”

    • Ah thanks Katie, I think it will become a tradition for us too as I do really love the yellow! x


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