Me and Mine – July 2017

Me and Mine July

I feel like I the most organised blogger I have ever been with the Me and Mine photos this month, and the post too actually which has literally never happened before. Partly this is due to necessary planning and the fact that as you read this we will be 2 days into our summer holiday, but mostly it was a very happy accident. These photos were taken right at the beginning of the month on the same day as the siblings shots. We went to a local festival and regatta so as we sat and watched the boats go by I utilised the opportunity since my sister was with us and asked her to pick up the camera, I absolutely love them.

They do make me laugh a little bit as it looks like we are not at all interested in the boat that was going by as we look the other way but I am told we were in fact watching the boat in the lead and laughing at the fact that Roma was waving and understandably they couldn’t wave back, yet they did give the children a big smile instead!

This month seems to have been about local events, getting things done around the house, planning ready for the summer holidays and of big decisions too. We have decided for various reasons that Eva will be changing schools in September so in amongst the mayhem that is the end of term (anyone else feel like there is always something to do/attend?) we have had the added stress of not only sorting out her new school place but saying goodbye to so many much loved people, both for her and for me. It was an emotional last day that is for sure.

Other than the school change I have been absolutely loving blogging and vlogging this month, I did a week (almost) of daily vlogs and I just adore having them to look back on already. I have finally gotten around to finishing some blog posts that have been in the making for a long time to schedule for the next two weeks, like I said this never ever happens so it feels pretty good right now! I am attributing a lot of that to my new laptop which has made writing on the go a whole lots easier with the children and not being chained to my desk upstairs, writing in bed is a game changer! I was also asked to speak on the local BBC radio and whilst I am sure the presenter slot is well and truly safe, I am so proud of myself for going out of my comfort zone and saying yes more. Aside from blogging, as a family we have been to so many festivals and local events and at one I saw my sister sing with a choir (in the rain) and it was beautiful to see her up there.

Eddy has loved attending sports day for the first time at Eva’s school, getting a football glitter tattoo with the girls at a festival, taking part in a thunder run despite the horrendous rainy conditions and enjoying a rare night out for a meal just us.

Eva has loved having a sleepover at her Auntie Carrie’s house, the school village fete where she ran around with her friends and sat on Eddy’s shoulders to watch the duck race down the river, days with just me when Roma is at nursery and having her hair cut quite a bit shorter which makes her proud and makes me want to weep at how grown up she looks!

Roma has loved running in the preschool race at Eva’s sports day, having Eva home for the holidays, hair chalks at the fete that showed up really well in her little blonde hair and playing almost constantly together in the new outside kitchen we have made for them. She has also decided she is potty training too which although a week before our holiday isn’t exactly the best timing she is doing amazingly well and shows me just how grown up she is too.

I am so excited for August I cannot tell you, although we have already had a week of the school holidays I feel like settling in and of course holiday prep takes up a big chunk of that but we have two whole weeks of full on family time ahead of us for the first time ever. Last year we did go away to France for a month but as it was a working holiday for Eddy this will be the first time since our honeymoon 8 years ago that we have been away for two weeks, no big plans, no big ideas, no work, just us. Then we return and I have the rest of this blissful time of hanging at home or impromptu adventures whenever we want, whatever we want, just because we can and I for one cannot wait.

Me and Mine July
Me and Mine July Me and Mine July

Me and Mine July

Me and Mine July Me and Mine July

Linking with Lucy over at dear beautiful & co

14 thoughts on “Me and Mine – July 2017”

  1. I love this month’s family photos – you all look so relaxed sitting together and watching the boats go by. We’ve been potty training too over the last couple of weeks – hope it is going well for Roma and that you are having a wonderful holiday. #meandmineproject

  2. These are lovely photos. It’s so good to hear that you’re feeling really good about blogging and vlogging and stepping out of your comfort zone too! I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday! xxx

  3. Oh I love these such darling snaps. Glad you are feeling so great about blogging and vlogging. I go up and down with it but ultimately love every second of it too. It’s hard stepping out of your comfort zone I have had to do it alot lately but it now feels so good to have new challenges and thing in my life that I never thought possible. Have a fab holiday lovely. #meandmineproject


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