I’ll be honest I am not exactly Septembers biggest fan. It’s a combination of being sad that the freedom and warmth of summer is over, the return of the dreaded school run with the inevitable germs that brings and the darker evenings of wondering whether it is cold enough to put the heating on yet! This month has been no different with some teething problems with Eva’s new school, illnesses all round and Eddy who had an accident with a chefs knife which resulted in a late night hospital trip and 3 stiches in his finger. It has been a long old slog.
Despite this though and once I am over the transitional slump there have been good moments. As I write this it is Friday night and my birthday. I have been very lucky with some lovely gifts and a very special cake decorated by the girls which of course is exciting enough but at 6am in the morning I am also getting on a train to London for the weekend. I am attending a blogging conference Britmums Live and I am both excited and anxious but very much looking forward to the day. Not to mention a full nights sleep and the prospect of a lie in too, I am thinking fluffy sheets and a cup of coffee in bed. Bliss. This month I have also loved taking part in a photoshoot which was super fun, buying some new Autumn clothes and lazy morning snuggles with the girls at the weekend.
Eddy has loved the chance to spoil me for my birthday!! (Or maybe not!) Conker picking, attending Eva’s parent assembly, swimming with the girls, celebrating with Eva when she did really well in her first spelling and maths tests and how much of a joker Roma is becoming.
Eva has loved choosing her very own new backpack for school, swimming with inflatable slides at a different pool, her treat meal with Daddy and reading lots of new books. She is also very excited for this weekend and spending the whole of it with her Auntie Carrie whilst we are in London. I am pretty sure she thinks the rules don’t apply when we are not here and it will be all midnight feasts and TV time! She might be right there but I know she will also be a good girl and have a blast.
Roma has loved finally going to the slide that we pass every day on the school run and she asks “can we go there later Mummy” – 4 times a day! Getting a new rabbit (not the real kind, the jellycat kind because her very loved grey rabbit has a wobbly head) and spending the day with her Auntie Kimberley and cousin. She has been obsessed with her umbrella, autumn walks and conkers, she treats them basically like treasure now.
This months photos were taken this last weekend when we went for an Autumn walk. The girls have been talking about conker picking since the colour started to change on the trees and so we took the dry day as a sign to go and do just that. They had literally the best time ever, who needs big days out when you have trees ey? I have never seen them more excited and it is about this time that I realise that although I am sad the baby days are behind us sometimes, I can see what is to come as a family. The years in which we will conker pick and how we can all be involved. How we will grow with the seasons and how the very next time this season comes around again life will be so different and yet still so great for new and exciting reasons. We found a couple of the best trees in the gardens local to us and it came in handy to have a tall dad who can shake them off the branches. The squeals of excitement were just the cutest sound as they dropped to the floor.
When I took these photos below I thought it would look fun to all be stood on the rocks in size order, a little bit different to our usual Me and Mine and a bit of fun, however I didn’t realise it would look like we were jumping, or levitating more like! I wasn’t sure about them at first though and I do like to have another back up so on the way home over this pretty little bridge I took some more. I have to say as fun as the other ones are and I love them for that I love these more, it was a pretty perfect sunday afternoon and I can tell. We all look together, relaxed, close and happy. They might not be completely in focus or how I had envisaged them thanks to the fact that I forgot my tripod, well I didn’t forget it but I left it in the car as we made the 20 minute walk and I couldn’t face walking back again, or making Eddy! But I adore them all the same, and the fact that we are looking at the camera in one too, this has happened two months in a row now I basically feel like we have it nailed! Although I think you can still tell which one of the family can’t sit still.
Yet that’s her, that’s us and as much as I love a perfect picture I also really love the chance to capture a little bit of our personalities in each shot.
And some outakes for good measure, these are the things that happen when you have forgotten the tripod and are crouched on the floor trying to make sure everyone is in focus. They make funny faces, I chop tall husbands heads out of the frame and then they just look bored!! I think it’s a good job they love me alot.
What brilliant photographs, loving the outtakes. I was dreading September too and I’ll be glad to welcome October. Hope you had a lovely birthday and enjoy Britmums xx
Thank you, I do love an outtake!
I love these pictures, especially the top ones – it’s a really interesting angle without the tripod 🙂 I hope you enjoyed Britmums Live. #MeandMine
It is funny how you love the ones you would never have chosen to take isn’t it? x
Well the outtakes are hilarious! September is a month you either hate or love. I am more of a fan of the summer but then again I do like September because it’s the beginning of autumn with leaves falling down from the trees. With that bringing its beautiful colours and it’s still warm enough.
I do love the colours of autumn I think I am just always sad to see summer go!
I love the outtakes! I’m not a fan of September either for those reasons! x
Thanks outtakes are my favourite these days!!
Gorgeous photos, I love the bridge shot and those outtakes made me smile. #MeandMineProject
Thanks lovely x
Absolutely love these photographs lovely, they’re so good! I hope you guys have a lovely October. xx
Thanks lovely its funny how the impromptu can become your favourites isn’t it?
Haha brill photos! I know what you mean about September, it’s really not my favourite either. We’ve managed to escape the germs so far but I know it won’t last much longer! x
Yes I agree September sucks!
Love the outtakes and the fun snaps this month. Always getting creative and fun with your shots. The kids look grown up here. So lovely to see. Happy month ahead. #meandmineproject
I do love to get a bit different and yes the children are looking so grown up these days and it makes me weep!!
Lovely happy family shots. The ones on the rocks are such fun ones and I love how relaxed and happy you all look together in the ones on the bridge 🙂 #meandmineproject
thank you I love trying new shots x