Me and Mine – May 2016

Family Photo Me and Mine May 2016

May has been a really busy month again, life isn’t showing any signs of slowing down and for the most part that is ok, we enjoy times together making memories and sharing our days/weekends with friends and family. Making the most of the every day and this month has been no exception.

E has enjoyed craft club and dressing up as an explorer for cultural diversity day at school. Lots of adventures with Dad from doing the colour run to spending two bank holidays together whilst I was at work. Plenty of after school trips to the park, matching clothes with R, oh and staying up past her bedtime for a family wedding.

R has cut two new big teeth, her speech has exploded and she is enjoying her relationship with E change day by day. She is enjoying counting and attempting to get herself dressed. All of this may have contributed to her sleep being disturbed again this month – oh how I look back at lasts months post and wish I did not write it down! But at least we had a months respite and fingers crossed it gets better again in time for the next one.

The Mr has enjoyed two stags do’s, spending time with the children outside in the sunshine, snow tubing at a party with E and of course the colour run. Whilst I myself can mainly be found sporting my new camera and soaking up the sunshine. I have been loving the little things this month, the pillow fights and the cuddles, work has been really busy for me with lots of deadlines and changes so I have been trying my best to strike a balance, whilst not always succeeding. I do work part time after all for a reason.

On Sunday I really felt the need to get out, to escape the to do lists, the washing and the jobs at home and connect, to put the phone down and be in the moment before another busy week started again. So we stopped everything, grabbed the bikes, toys, snack and the picnic blanket and headed to the park just a few minutes away from our house. It was so lovely to sit in the sunshine, to be with my little ladies, see them run around the park and really really watch them. To watch them smile as they chased each other, to watch E and her confidence on her bike and roller skates and to hear her laugh when she turned around to see R right there behind her.

Nothing makes me happier than when it is just us, I feel calm and together. I am so proud of them, when we are out and about they are so well behaved, when they take all different circumstances in their stride I have to pinch myself that they are mine. Such good polite little ladies. But what makes me happiest in the world is the crazy they save just for me, at home, just us. That they know when we walk through that door, when we shut all the world out and focus on each other anything goes. We are accepting of each other warts and all and that’s a pretty special place to be. To know that you can scream and shout, dance and sing and everything in between because anything is possible and the love does not diminish. I hope in my heart of hearts they will always feel that way, and always save that bit of crazy just for me.

I actually had a really nice photo of us all taken at the wedding we went to on Friday all ready for this post, all dressed up and put together, out as a family, but for some reason it just seemed right to take some more, right in that moment of calm, no show, no distractions, just us. Now family photo’s are never simple and yet again there isn’t one where everyone is looking, smiling, not pulling silly faces, running off, doing handstands or with a pile of grass on their head. But here we have it. Sometimes well behaved, sometimes crazy, always us.


Family Photo Me and Mine May 2016 Family Photo Me and Mine May 2016 Family Photo Me and Mine May 2016 Family Photo Me and Mine May 2016 Family Photo Me and Mine May 2016

Linking with Lucy over at dear beautiful

2 thoughts on “Me and Mine – May 2016”

    • Ah thank you, and yes I just had to include it because this is life with small children and a slightly crazy husband! x


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