Happy 3rd Birthday Roma Rose

Happy 3rd Birthday Roma Rose Letter

Happy 3rd Birthday Roma Rose Letter

Dear Roma

Today, you turn 3! Three whole years of knowing you, of loving you and seeing that happy face of yours every single day bring more joy to our family than you will ever know. Three years which seems so long, yet so short, and I literally cannot imagine my life without you in it. A time when I didn’t know you. 

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Happy 7th Birthday Eva Dee

Happy 7th Birthday Eva Dee

Happy 7th Birthday Eva Dee

Dear Eva

What a year! Every eve of your birthday is special, it is manic and emotional in equal measures and I just cannot stop myself than to look back at photos of you when you were a baby or from years gone by and wonder how it can be another year already. I sit here typing as the tears flow of pure love and utter pride for you and wonderment on how you can be 7 already. It makes Mummy feel old! I say this every single year and know I probably will for as long as I live

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