Fruit Picking At Scaddows – A Slice Of Normality

picking blackcurrants at scaddows

Our annual trip to Scaddows Farm in Derbyshire is truly a crown pleaser. For years and years (I’m talking when Eva was in a carrier whom is now a fully fledged almost 10 year old!) we have frequented this pick your own farm for strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries and blackcurrants. We even picked pumpkins last year, something we will definitely repeat if this weird world we live in in 2020 allows.

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RAF 100 Celebrations at National Memorial Arboretum

RAF 100 celebrations National Memorial Arboretum

RAF 100 celebrations National Memorial Arboretum

Ever since our very first visit to the National Memorial Arboretum just a year ago now it has become one of our all time favourite places to visit… and not just for the best flat white I have ever tasted in their coffee shop, although to be fair that is a massive plus and a big draw on a weekly basis! We have been all year round, seen the seasons change and taken so many different people too.

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A Bit Of Christmas Magic In London – with London Midland

Train travel London Midland and festive day in London

For months now we have been talking about taking the children to London at Christmas. We have planned it, looked forward to it and imagined what a festive day we could have and how the children would just love it. I have been a fair few times this year actually for various events but we really … Read more