Your Year 1 Adventure Begins

School picture 1st Day in year 1

School picture 1st Day in year 1

To Eva

Today you started your new adventure in year 1. Year 1! Even as I write that it doesn’t seem like it can be real. It really feels like 5 minutes since your very first day and even less since I wrote about your last day in reception. A huge part of me can’t even quite believe that you are old enough to be a fully fledged school child. That you are no longer the baby in the school and this is no longer new. As we walked up that familiar hill on the approach to school this morning I felt the difference. You didn’t hesitate, there was no firm grip of my hand or burrowing into me as someone spoke. You talked confidently about your summer, took ownership of the mountain of bags you seem to need on that first day and felt comfortable that you just knew what to do. After of course giving me a kiss you didn’t even glance back as you walked in through that gate, on your own, confident with your head held high.

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Roma at 18 Months Old

17 months R in a field

17 months R in a field

To My Littlest Lady

Roma Rose

You are 18 months old (actually thanks to French Wifi issues this post is being published late and today you turn 19 months, but hey who’s counting – I mean except for me!) Whilst it feels like you are growing in front of my eyes at a rate of knots and I wonder how you are a year and a half already, I literally cannot remember or imagine life without you in it. You are the liveliest little thing whom I often refer to as the sunshine in our family because that is exactly what you bring and I am pretty sure that everyone you come into contact with thinks the same.

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Me and Mine – August 2016

Sunset beach family picture france

Sunset beach family picture france

Wow, what a month this has been. August I have to say has been anything but ordinary and probably a month that I will remember fondly for the rest of my life. As I sat down to write last months Me and Mine post we were on the Ferry to France for the start of our big adventure. And now all of a sudden we are on the return leg of our journey and it seems only fitting to be sat once again on the ferry writing this post. Yet now we are not full of excitement of what August may hold, what adventures we could have and how beautiful the beach would be. We are full of happiness, we have the amazing memories we have made along the way and a reinvigorated love of travel.

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