I wasn’t sure whether to write this, whether it was too much to share. After all this blog is about my Little Ladies, our wonderful adventures and ordinary life. But once again this is life, real life where real things happen to us all the time. And today, well today didn’t exactly turn out as expected. Today was not great.
Me and Mine – July 2016
If you have read this blog before or follow me on social media you may know that today we go to France for a month with my husbands work. As I write this post I am actually sat on a ferry neither in England nor yet in France but in a slight no mans land, or at least that’s how it feels. I had full intentions of getting ahead and writing posts before I left but never quite found the time. And our Me and Mine photo, well this months wasn’t exactly supposed to look like this.
An Adult Tonsillectomy and Forced “Me Time”
Two weeks ago today I had a tonsillectomy, and I know it seems strange to refer to an operation as “me time” but you see I am not very good at the whole me time thing. I am so aware of how days, weeks and years fly by with young children that I find myself just wanting to make the most of it, to make their world a perfect place and try to soak up every moment, enjoy it and not miss a single second.