Outfit Photo’s – A Little Holiday Tradition


A few days ago as we went about our ordinary mornings of getting ready for school and work Eva turned to me and said “Mum I miss taking outfit photos every day like when we were in France, shall we do it now?” And whilst I did explain that school uniform was probably not something that would be that interesting every single day she was so keen that I didn’t have the heart to say no. I did indeed take a photo of them in front of our newly painted but still a little tired garage door. The littlest had no shoes on because she was spending the day at home with my sister and they both had cheesy grins, but I dutifully posted it on instagram and went off to work.

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The Little Yellow Coat {The Ordinary Moments #19}

A Little Yellow Coat

A Little Yellow Coat


This week has been a little less ordinary than most with the Mr taking the week off work, it has been a busy one with time together and has also meant lots of jobs around the house being tackled, our bedroom has finally had a makeover and we set to sorting out the little jobs, the ones that get put off as life with two children, school and jobs takes over and wanting to fill other times with fun and adventure.

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