Me and Mine – July 2016

Me and Mine Family Photo in the corn field

Me and Mine Family Photo in the corn field

If you have read this blog before or follow me on social media you may know that today we go to France for a month with my husbands work. As I write this post I am actually sat on a ferry neither in England nor yet in France but in a slight no mans land, or at least that’s how it feels. I had full intentions of getting ahead and writing posts before I left but never quite found the time. And our Me and Mine photo, well this months wasn’t exactly supposed to look like this.

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Me and Mine – June 2016

me and mine family photo June


me and mine family photo June

June has been jam packed for us yet again, as I look back over the photo’s I can’t actually believe that we have managed to do so much in one short month and realise just why it feels like time is speeding by in a flash. Why I look at the photo’s and wonder where my baby went and how in a few short weeks Eva will have finished her first school year. There are so many reasons this month that I just want to hold them tight, to keep them safe and feel secure in return.

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E is for….. {The Ordinary Moments #25}

What's in a name E

What's in a name E

Names, does it get more ordinary than a name? Than the hundreds of times a day I must say the names of my Little Ladies whether that is telling them just how much I love them with a huge squeeze or a whisper in their ear like it’s our own little secret, letting them know dinner is ready and hearing the stampede from wherever they are in the house at the mere prospect of food, or indeed with a more stern voice that I can in fact see the mischief they are getting up to even though I am in another room as they wonder just how on earth I always seem to keep an eye on them. This isn’t to mention the many many more times I actually hear their names, from other people, friends, family and now from each other, it is an ordinary moment which never gets old.

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