As I sit and write this it is Saturday evening and it is raining, raining so heavily in fact that it woke me up! After a lovely but busy day celebrating the Mr’s birthday we put my Little Ladies to bed and I lay there on mine to ensure all was quiet and they were in fact asleep before I went downstairs, just like I do every night, yet within minutes it was me whom was asleep. Fast forward 2 hours and the drumming of the rain on the open windows, the water spitting on the windowsill was enough to wake me and realise I needed to come and write this post.
Pre-Bedtime Cuddles {The Ordinary Moments #21}
This week has been a very ordinary one, very busy filled with work, school, the Mr working and out alot and me doing plenty of solo parenting and bedtimes, the usual household shopping, cooking, cleaning and days going by without you even realising it. So ordinary that I contemplated not writing a post this week, that really I had nothing to say and no particular photos to share either.
The Yellow Fields
We are lucky here in the fact that although we live on the outskirts of a town there is so much countryside all around and you only have to drive a few minutes before there are fields and trees adorning the landscape everywhere you look. There is something about the countryside, the open air and the view for miles that instill a sense of calm for me, a contentment that nothing else can match. I always feel like I could easily just plant myself in the middle of it on a picnic blanket with a book and have the children running around me in their own little world of adventure.