Sisters – June {Siblings}

Sisters Siblings June

Sisters Siblings June

The front door opens with a creek,  I step a foot inside the hall, my head still spinning with the work I just left behind and then I hear it. I hear faint voices, muted laughter and an echo, which teamed with the open stair gate in front of me beckons me up the stairs, my tired legs and little feet can barely make it up the 13 soft carpet covered steps before those little voices turn into excited shouts “Mum, Mum, Mum, Mama, Mama, Mama”. I made it to bath time.

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Half Term and an Outdoor Theatre Production {The Ordinary Moments #23}

Peter Rabbit Sisters smelling flowers

Peter Rabbit Sisters smelling flowers

It’s no secret that I love half term, that I miss E so much when she is at school that each and every week I contemplate keeping her home with me to spend each minute with her that I can and soak it up, to attempt to turn back the time to the days when all we saw was each other. I can’t quite actually believe that we are quickly heading toward her finishing her first year. 

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Pre-Bedtime Cuddles {The Ordinary Moments #21}

Bedtime Cuddles

Bedtime Cuddles

This week has been a very ordinary one, very busy filled with work, school, the Mr working and out alot and me doing plenty of solo parenting and bedtimes, the usual household shopping,  cooking, cleaning and days going by without you even realising it. So ordinary that I contemplated not writing a post this week, that really I had nothing to say and no particular photos to share either.

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