When I was pregnant with R I worried alot about the age gap, about the fact that at just turned 4 years old E was already an old soul, very grown up and that maybe due to a loss in between I had left it too late for them really to bond. That they would be into different things, at a different time in their life and that it would be like parenting only children – twice over!
The Yellow Fields
We are lucky here in the fact that although we live on the outskirts of a town there is so much countryside all around and you only have to drive a few minutes before there are fields and trees adorning the landscape everywhere you look. There is something about the countryside, the open air and the view for miles that instill a sense of calm for me, a contentment that nothing else can match. I always feel like I could easily just plant myself in the middle of it on a picnic blanket with a book and have the children running around me in their own little world of adventure.
Sisters – April {Siblings}
I am a little late with my siblings post, I actually have lots of photo’s of my Little Ladies together this month thanks to school holidays, Easter, lighter evenings and the milder weather. I have just neglected to find the time to write the post! At the moment it is actually pretty difficult to get a picture of one without the other as they are constantly together, of course they rarely look in the same direction or are busy running after/into one another but they are just the best of friends and I love watching the bond they have grow, more than anything in the world.