Our Family Summer Bucket List 2023


It’s that time of year again. The Family Summer Bucket List. A time to celebrate all the ordinary simple summer moments that bring us joy and, lets be honest, help us to focus and get through the tedious nature of being in each others pockets 24/7 with the expectation to entertain every second. Spoiler, I do NOT entertain even half of every second and that is totally ok!

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Our Family Summer Bucket List 2022

After 5 years, writing a summer bucket list has become one of those traditions that stands the test of time no matter how old the children have gotten. At 7 & 11, with senior school looming in a few short months you might think it wasn’t needed anymore Yet this isn’t something I, or them, are willing to let go of any time soon.

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Our Family Summer Bucket List – 2019

Last year for the first time I wrote a Family Summer Bucket List, we wrote it out with little pictures to hang in the playroom and ticked off when we did the most exciting and the most ordinary of things and it was just lovely. This year I wasn’t planning on doing the same as we would have been away but as those plans have changed I feel like this is more important than ever!

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Last year for the first time I wrote a Family Summer Bucket List, we wrote it out with little pictures to hang in the playroom and ticked off when we did the most exciting and the most ordinary of things and it was just lovely. This year I wasn’t planning on doing the same as we would have been away but as those plans have changed I feel like this is more important than ever!

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